Chapter 117 Family Secrets
It is a kind of happiness for the original owner to have such an uncle who loves her so much.

If she could have such a relative in the past, maybe her fate would be much better, but unfortunately she is not so lucky, she doesn't even have a relative!

Thinking of the past, she felt bitter in her heart, but there was one person who gave her sweetness.

But thinking of that person, Xiao Mengyao's heart hurts again...

"Yaoyao, uncle is going to look for your mother far away, after uncle is gone, you must live strong..."

Huang Yunyi let his tears flow wantonly and didn't care about it, his hands still held Xiao Mengyao's hand tightly.

"Yaoyao, uncle is leaving, now uncle will tell you some things about our family, you are the last blood of our Huang family, you have the right to know everything about the Huang family."

Huang Yunyi decided to tell her everything about the Huang family right now, whether she understands it or not, she must listen to it.

Xiao Mengyao was silent, she didn't know what Huang Yunyi wanted to say to her, but she didn't want to interrupt him.

Looking at her quietly, Huang Yunyi seized the time to tell her the history of the Huang family and some past events.

"Yaoyao, in fact, the ancestor of our Huang family was a killer, and he was loyal to a king. Although he was defeated in the end, he was also brilliant...

That is an unrecorded history, and only our Huang family, Lu family, and Xue family know about it.

Things go back ten thousand years ago, a dynasty called the New Moon Dynasty.At that time, the world was in chaos, and the lord of our ancestors was the eldest son of the Northern Kingdom of the New Moon Dynasty, Murong Qingge..."

Xiao Mengyao was not surprised to hear Huang Yunyi say ten thousand years ago, because she knew from Nuo very early on that her soul had traveled ten thousand years later.

But New Moon Dynasty and Murong Qingge surprised her.

Although she knew that Murong Qingge died, Nuo killed her to avenge her, but she still wanted to know about that period of history, maybe it was out of curiosity.

Xiao Mengyao did not interrupt Huang Yunyi, and continued to listen to him quietly.

Huang Yunyi also continued to talk with a serious face.

"There is a very strong and dark organization around Murong Qingge, which is his hidden strength. There are four leaders in that organization. They are our ancestor, Huang Yue; the ancestor of the Lu family, Lu Lingheng; Xue Shaoqi and the only woman, Woody fragrance.

But then the woman died in another mission, and one of the four chiefs was missing from then on.But after the woman's death, strange things kept happening. First, internal strife within the organization, and then the whole New Moon Dynasty started to ignite the flames of war, and the one who ignited the flames of war was not ordinary people, but the king of the Western Kingdom.

After the flames of war ignited, Wang Shilinuo of the Western Kingdom actually led his troops to attack the Northern Kingdom in a desperate manner. The enemy army came fiercely, and the Northern Kingdom was defeated.When the enemy captured the Northern Kingdom, bloody killings began. The entire Northern Kingdom was destroyed in that war, and none of the people were spared.

And Murong Qingge was also pierced by thousands of arrows, not even a complete body was left behind.

Later, the three leaders of Murong Qingge's organization built a mausoleum for him, carved a statue of him out of jade, and then used all the gold, silver and jewelry in the organization to be buried with him.

But they were worried that some people would do something wrong with the finances in the tomb. After discussion, the three leaders decided to set up a mechanism in the tomb.The formation map of the agency is kept by the three leaders in various ways. Since then, the organization has been disbanded, and the three leaders have also parted ways. "

During the tense time, Huang Yunyi roughly told Xiao Mengyao these things, but he didn't say anything about the orientation of their family's organ formation map.

After he finished speaking, Xiao Mengyao felt a little dizzy, but it didn't matter whether she knew about it or not.

Because that has already passed, and there is no need to find out what happened in the past, let alone it was about Murong Qingge.

(End of this chapter)

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