Chapter 122 Entering the Mausoleum
Seeing that Fu Boyan was still not about to give up the idea of ​​going there in person, Tang Mo was really going crazy.

Immortals really don't want to die!

"You old man, I can't really help you if you just go there. Let me go for you, and I promise to bring her back to you intact." Tang Mo patted his chest and promised, full of confidence.

Who is he, whether he is a scientific genius or not, he uses his brain in everything he does, and he has great skills in things like saving people and protecting people.

Really, this is not bragging.


Fu Boyan hesitated.

"But what is it, I'm a majestic Mr. Tang, why don't you worry about it!" Tang Mo interrupted Fu Boyan, speaking very proudly.

"That's right, the boss let Tang Mo go. He's a 'scientific monster' and he's absolutely fine, and he'll be able to easily rescue the future lady boss." care.

Although the boss is very cold, he treats them very well, so Qinglin doesn't want anything to happen to such a good boss.

"Then... just go, and bring Yaoyao back to me safely. If she loses a single hair, I won't let you off lightly."

Fu Boyan had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​going there in person.

What is his current physical condition, he knows best, in order to be able to be with Yaoyao again and protect her better, he must not have any accidents.

And Tang Mo's ability is only worse than his own, not to mention that he still has so many lethal research results.

"We must protect Yaoyao well..." Fu Boyan emphasized again, Tang Mo made a face and gave him a Tang's card with big eyes.

"Relax your heart, take good care of her here, and I will definitely bring her back to you."

He could see that after Laobusi found his sweetheart, he became a long-winded, mother-in-law, and he didn't want to be the same as before.

Ouch, emotion is such an unusual thing...

After getting Fu Boyan's consent, Tang Mo didn't hesitate, and immediately, immediately prepared to leave for City C.

Two hours later, Tang Mo took care of his hair, shaved off his stubble, changed his clothes, and appeared in front of Fu Boyan with his usual handsome appearance.

"I'm going out as an old man, take care of myself." Tang Mo said, with his hands in his pockets, looking like a little ruffian, handsome with a bit of a naughty look.

Fu Boyan nodded, and emphasized again, "We must ensure her safety!"

This is the point.

"I'm going out, don't worry!" Tang Mo smiled brightly, turned around freely and prepared to go...

City C, a certain suburb.

The excavation was accurate and the entrance to the mausoleum was soon dug.

Lu Zixuan looked at the first mechanism diagram in his hand, and he led Xiao Mengyao and several others into the mausoleum.

The mausoleum is very large and is illuminated with luminous pearls. This kind of luminous pearls is very special. It emits light like the sun, making the supposedly dark tomb brighter than the outside.

In the mausoleum, the first mechanism they faced was located in front of the first stone gate of the tomb.

Lu Zixuan found the central point of the mechanism according to the prompt on the mechanism map, and stopped the mechanism easily.

The first mechanism in the tomb was set up by the ancestors of the Xue family back then. It is a formation of ten thousand arrows, and the trigger point of the formation of arrows is countless golden threads as thin as hair.

The gold wires were buried in the ground, with a sharp iron frame underneath, and a layer of light gauze and a thin layer of fine soil covering them as a cover.

Once someone enters, as soon as they step on the gold wires, the gold wires will be cut off by the sharp frame below, and then the array of arrows will be activated, instantly shooting people into hedgehogs.

After stopping the mechanism, Lu Zixuan was still worried, and deliberately threw a few stones as a test, but no mechanism was touched.

After confirming, they walked in cautiously and came to the second iron gate of the tomb.

The mechanism here was set up by the ancestors of their Lu family, and the mechanism is mainly a grid formation.

There are a total of 49 squares in the grid formation, but only seven squares have no traps, and each of the other squares has a different trap. If there is no trap map, this is a death array.

(End of this chapter)

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