Chapter 124 Believe it or not, I will kill you!

He walked to the iron gate and used a compass to find out the direction. Sure enough, there was a small platform to the southwest.

After finding the small platform, Lu Zixuan directly digged the soil with his hands, and as time passed, he finally found a small rectangular wooden box.

The wooden box is made of cypress, because the air here is dry and shows no signs of rot.

Lu Zixuan took out the wooden box and eagerly opened it. He was a little nervous, afraid that the box would be empty.

But the moment the wooden box was opened, he breathed a sigh of relief, there was indeed a rolled paper roll in the wooden box.

Taking out the scroll, he opened it impatiently, and the next second, he was disappointed.

Because the top of the scroll is not a diagram of mechanism at all, but a delicate painting.

There are five people in the painting, one man is sitting high, three men are standing beside him, and the only woman seems to be dancing.

Lu Zixuan stared angrily at the picture scroll in his hand, at this moment he has the heart to kill someone!
After wasting so much effort, what he got was this thing, that old thing Huang Yunyi, he was really lying to him.Lu Zixuan angrily threw the scroll on the ground, frowning tightly.

Xiao Mengyao was beside him, and just now she casually glanced at the picture scroll, feeling a little familiar.

So, she attached herself to pick up the scroll on the ground, and looked at it carefully. She didn't expect that the one in the painting turned out to be them, and her from before!

It's just that there seems to be something wrong in the painting, but it's hard for her to say what's wrong all at once.

Seeing her looking at the scroll in her hand so carefully, Lu Zixuan felt inexplicably annoyed!
Damn it, Huang Yunyi lied to him!

Lu Zixuan was about to go mad with anger, he was about to get everything, but this organ map was fake.

"Tell me, where is the real mechanism map!?" Lu Zixuan grabbed Xiao Mengyao's wrist, slapped her a few times, and asked her coldly.

"How would I know!" Xiao Mengyao struggled to shake off his hand, her tone was also very cold!
"You don't know!?" Lu Zixuan questioned in a tone of voice. She was the last living member of the Huang family. She didn't know who else knew. She remembered that Huang Yunyi had been alone with her that day.

So, one day Huang Yunyi must tell her what happened!
"Xiao Mengyao, are you pretending to be stupid with me?!" Lu Zixuan grabbed her wrist again with astonishing strength, her arm was not healed, and blood oozes out.

The newly formed scab was crushed by him.

He is crazy!

Xiao Mengyao did not show any weakness either, and looked at her coldly, neither humble nor overbearing, like a cold and proud winter plum.

Lu Zixuan looked at her, but saw coldness and disdain in her eyes.

Hmph, this woman really makes him unable to see through, can't understand.

"Don't tell me! Believe it or not, I'll kill you!" Lu Zixuan's voice was even colder. This was not a threat, and he might do that.

Xiao Mengyao ignored his words, so what if he believed it, so what if he didn't believe it.

If you want to kill her, she will not agree!

"Boss, you can't kill her." Meng Ke stood up and said.

Xiao Mengyao didn't care what Lu Zixuan said, but Meng Ke did. He believed that the boss would really do that!
I have been with the boss for several years, the boss has always been ruthless, there is nothing he dare not do.

So he worried that the boss might really kill Xiao Mengyao, because the boss is angry at the moment, and people will lose their minds when they are angry.

"Why can't I kill her!? She is worthless!" Lu Zixuan turned his attention to Meng Ke and asked him coldly.

Meng Ke answered him unhurriedly, "Because, she is from the Huang family, and because we haven't got the mechanism map yet, if she dies, it is very likely that we won't be able to find the mechanism map."

Although Meng Ke was telling the truth, his goal was simply to save her life.

Lu Zixuan thought about it for a while, and felt that what Meng Ke said made some sense.

In fact, he didn't really kill her.

(End of this chapter)

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