Chapter 128 I Won't Let You Die

At this moment, Meng Ke was ready to be stabbed into a hedgehog by flying knives. He really had no strength. It didn't matter if he died, but he didn't want her to die.

"Little sister, if I die, you must find a way to get out alive." Meng Ke seemed to be saying his last words.

People will die sooner or later, so he is not afraid.

His words surprised Xiao Mengyao. It turns out that besides Nuo, there are living people caring about her in this world.

Out of a touch, she said to Meng Ke seriously, "I won't let you die!"

Meng Ke suddenly laughed out loud, how dangerous this place is at this moment, he will clear it up by himself, she is just a weak woman, unable to save herself.

"Protect yourself, don't worry about my life or death." Meng Ke said, closing her eyes and waiting for the moment when she was pierced into a hedgehog by a flying knife and died tragically.

He has done a lot of bad things in his life, so this death is neither tragic nor excessive.

However, he waited for about a minute, but he didn't feel the pain of being stabbed by the flying knife.

What's wrong?Could it be that he is so tired that he has no intuition? !
Meng Ke couldn't figure out what was going on, but when he turned around, he was taken aback.

Those flying knives actually stopped in the air! ?

This is his hallucination after exhaustion, right?How could the flying knife stop in the air and not fall?
What happened in the next second, his jaw almost dropped in surprise.

The flying knife that was still in the air just now turned around and flew towards four walls, and finally hit the wall and penetrated deeply. At the same time, it seemed to destroy the mechanism for launching the flying knife.

He thought it was like a dream, and it was also very magical.

Turning her head stiffly, what she saw was Xiao Mengyao's calm face, but her face was not very pretty.

Could it be that she controlled the throwing knives just now? !Meng Ke suddenly had an idea.

"Just" He looked at her, not knowing how to ask her.

"Yes!" Xiao Mengyao knew what he wanted to ask, so she simply admitted, "Protect yourself and don't worry about me anymore!"

After she finished speaking, she pushed away Meng Ke's arms protecting her, strode forward, and walked into the fast-moving clay figurines.

"Hey, are you crazy? You will be trapped to death!" Meng Ke shouted behind Xiao Mengyao. He also wanted to follow up desperately, but he had no energy to take a step.

Among the clay figurines, Xiao Mengyao didn't stop, her thin figure shuttled among the moving clay figurines.

She figured out the movement rules of these clay figurines, and whenever a clay figurine moved over, she could always avoid it in time.

Meng Ke watched from behind her, feeling like his heart was about to jump into his throat. He didn't know what she was doing, but he always felt that she was playing with her life.

There are so many clay figurines, the speed is so fast, and it can be seen that the clay figurines are changing formations. She is really going to die in this way.

In the killing formation, Xiao Mengyao was caught off guard by the change of the clay figurine's formation. A clay figurine that moved over was stabbed by a bronze sword in his hand.

However, she also reached the center of the killing circle and found the target she was looking for.

She slowly approached the female clay figurine holding the broken soul, and then used her mind to control the broken soul.

The female clay figurine shuriken was controlled, and after it was released from its hand, it drew a perfect arc in the air to destroy the female clay figurine.

With the destruction of the female clay figurines, all the clay figurines that had changed their formations began to become chaotic.

At the same time, Duan Hun also flew to Xiao Mengyao's side, she reached out to grab Duan Hun, and it was as smooth as before.

And Duan Hun also recognized the master very much, exerting its former power in her hands.

Because Duan Hun's material is special, it can cut iron like mud, so Xiao Mengyao used it to deal with those mud figurines who were out of formation, and almost destroyed them with one move.

Seeing that the clay figurine formation just now became messy, Meng Ke knew her hand, and she should have broken the formation.

(End of this chapter)

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