Chapter 132 Escape Alone
Rolling Stones, as the name suggests, once activated, the boulders placed early in the morning will roll out from all directions. This formation cannot be destroyed by manpower, and there is no mechanism to stop it.

Because the weight of each boulder is amazing.

Looking at the terrain here, it is flat and more conducive to the rolling track of the boulder...

Lu Zixuan looked at the huge boulder rolling towards them, but he was not too flustered, and ran to the stone gate calmly, trying to find the mechanism to open the stone gate.

But he searched for a while, but found nothing at all. Finally, he chose to give up, took out several black cubes from his backpack, and pasted them on the stone gate respectively.

This is a miniature explosive package, specially used for blasting this kind of stone gate.

Due to time constraints, he posted a few on the stone gate, avoided the rolling boulders, ran to a safe distance, and detonated the miniature explosives.

"Touch!" All the explosives attached to the stone door exploded at the same time, blowing the stone door open.

Watching the stone gate explode, people who were avoiding the boulder rushed to the direction of the stone gate as if they had seen the dawn.

But they forgot that there was an iron gate outside the stone gate.


Six or seven boulders rolled in the tomb, crushing several people to death.

Meng Ke was still hugging Xiao Mengyao, hiding from the boulder and approaching the stone gate.

After Lu Zixuan blew open the stone gate, he started sticking small explosives on the iron gate and detonated it, but the iron gate remained motionless, not even a single gap.

"Those who don't want to die, come and help!" Lu Zixuan said, and started sticking explosives on the iron gate again.

Seconds passed by, and everyone stuck the miniature explosives in their backpacks to the iron door, and finally detonated together.

"Touch!" With a loud noise, the iron gate was finally blown down. Lu Zixuan was the first to escape alone, while the people behind him scrambled to the iron gate, trying to squeeze out.

Meng Ke held Xiao Mengyao in his arms, and because of too much physical exertion before, his speed slowed down by half a beat.

Before he got close to the iron gate, a boulder rolled towards the iron gate at an extremely fast speed, directly crushing the bodies of those crowding around the iron gate, and finally got stuck on the door frame.

The boulder blocked the only way out, and Meng Ke felt like he was going to die of anger.Do you want to back it up so much? Damn, it's too bad!
However, he didn't have time to complain, because the rolling boulder didn't stop, and he had to find ways to avoid the rolling boulder if he didn't want to die.

Damn, who set up this organ formation, it all depends on physical strength!
Meng Ke held back her anger, hugged Xiao Mengyao and played a game of dodging with those boulders in the tomb.

Xiao Mengyao was in his arms, thinking of a solution calmly.

At this moment, it is very difficult for them to get out of the iron gate, because they cannot move the boulder.

The current situation is not good for them. Those rolling boulders will not get tired, and Meng Ke's physical strength is limited.

Xiao Mengyao's eyes quickly searched in the tomb. She wanted to find the best hiding place, which was a place where the boulders couldn't reach and couldn't be hit.

The tomb was huge, and she searched for a long time before finding a barely adequate place.

Now that the place is found, the rest is how to get there. The distance from here to the four stone pillars on the opposite side is a bit far. It is not a simple matter to avoid those boulders and run where.

First of all, you must have speed, and secondly, you must have flexible legs and feet.

"Can you still run?" She asked Meng Ke, her gaze still falling between the four stone pillars opposite.

Meng Ke also followed her gaze and looked towards the opposite side. The distance was not too short, and there were many rolling boulders in the middle, so it was not easy to get there.

"Do you believe me?" Meng Ke asked seriously. He could try but he was not sure, but if he didn't try, he would be exhausted and exhausted even if he was not crushed to death by the boulder!
(End of this chapter)

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