Chapter 134

Meng Ke said that in the end, her voice became quieter, and fear gradually welled up in her heart...

Outside the mausoleum, after Lu Zixuan escaped, he drove away with the rest of the people without stopping.

At this moment, he no longer cares about anyone's life or death, because he has already got what he wants, and whoever lives or dies has nothing to do with him.

After Lu Zixuan and the others left, a silver luxury sports car appeared in the barren suburb.

In the sports car, Tang Mo's eyes were fixed on the tablet, looking at the blue anchor point.

"Kaidi, we're here." Tang Mo said with a little expectation.

He got out of the car and walked forward, and Kaidi also turned into a robot and followed behind him, approaching the mausoleum swaggeringly.

Along the way, Tang Mo carefully observed the tombs he passed, and looked at the destroyed organs with contempt on his face.

These people are really stupid. For such a simple ancient mechanism, they are so stupid to use explosives.

Don't you know it's shameful to waste it?

Coming to the second tomb, Tang Mo looked at the tablet, and the signal of 'confidant' became stronger, which meant that the old immortal sweetheart was somewhere here.

Looking forward, looking at the door frame blocked by the boulder and the vibrations on the ground, Tang Mo frowned and remained silent for a few seconds.

Looking at the boulder with a smooth surface, Tang Mo probably guessed what was inside.

But in order to be more sure of the situation inside, he intends to make his latest invention debut, so let's go in and have a look first.

"Katie, give me my bag."

As he said, Kai Di took it out of its storage box and handed it to Tang Mo.

After receiving the black backpack, Tang Mo started to act without hesitation.

He first took out a small headset from his backpack, and then took out an 'iron ball' the size of a fist.

Staring at the 'iron ball', he smiled happily. This is the 'full intelligent bodyguard' that the old man asked him to rush to work. However, due to limited time, he made a mini version.

Although it is small, it is old and powerful, and it also has a good name called Mo Mo, which is naturally his name.

After Tang Mo finished singing, he pressed the silent start mechanism, and soon silently changed from a 'little iron ball' to a white 'elf'.

Its wings are designed according to the wings of a butterfly, its body is small, its hands and feet are exactly like those of a child, it has big purple eyes, a small nose, a small mouth, and a pair of small tentacles on its head.

It looks so cute.

Kaidi looked at the 'little monster' flying in the air, neither male nor female, it was very funny to watch.

However, afraid of Tang Mo's presence, Kai Di insisted on not laughing, otherwise Tang Mo would definitely turn it into scrap iron, and even the owner wouldn't be able to keep it.

Kaidi believed in this very much, because the master and Tang Mo wore a pair of pants.

Tang Mo finished appreciating Momo, and gave it a few functions, "Momo, enter from which space, and see what's going on inside, and use your monitoring system to send it to me." Tang Mo silently ordered to the flying in the air .

Silently made a command gesture, "Yes, Tang Tang."

After receiving the order silently, he flapped his wings and flew towards the door frame blocked by the boulder, and flew in through a small gap.

As soon as Momo entered here, Tang Mo took out another tablet and turned on the monitoring system linked to Momo.

Soon, the picture inside appeared on the tablet. Sure enough, there were some big guys inside. This should be the Rolling Stones.

Tsk tsk, who is the owner of the tomb here, who actually used so many organ formations, even the unstoppable Rolling Stone Formation.

But it's stupid enough, the power of the Rolling Stones is terrifying, the owner of this tomb is digging his own grave.

Tang Mo shook his head and smiled easily. He just wanted to talk about breaking the formation when he met him, a "scientific monster" with such a simple formation.

In fact, breaking Rolling Stones is really not difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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