Chapter 137 I will go there right away

This person is now out of the night ghost society, and there is still a possibility of surviving death.

"It's not safe here, let's go out and talk about it." Tang Mo glanced at the boulder still rolling inside, and proposed to leave, and there were still seriously injured people here.

Meng Ke nodded in agreement with what he said, this place is indeed dangerous, there may be some mechanism formations, so it is wisest to leave.

When they left the mausoleum, it was getting dark outside.

"Do you want to come with us?" Tang Mo asked Meng Ke.

Meng Ke looked around, her eyes fell on the car they were driving, she thought for a while and said, "No, you just need to take care of her. When she wakes up, please take me to tell her. There will be a later date."

Meng Ke glanced at Xiao Mengyao who was in a coma, smiled faintly, and stepped into the car.

Since they are people around Fu Boyan, he believes that they will take good care of her, so he can rest assured.

I have helped the boss do some bad things to them, and I am no longer qualified to stay by her side. I hope she will be happy in the future, and I hope to see you again.

Meng Ke stepped on the accelerator, and the car started to leave quickly.

"Kaidi, let's go too." Tang Mo said, taking the person in Kaidi's arms, and Kaidi instantly transformed back into a luxury sports car.

Momo didn't change back to the 'little iron ball', and got into the car as well.

Before nightfall, they disappeared in the deserted suburbs.

And the mausoleum was also destroyed by Stonehenge and many places, and finally collapsed, and everything returned to the loess again...

In the evening, Kaidi did not rush back to City K, because Tang Mo was more worried about Xiao Mengyao's injury, so he sent Kaidi to the best hospital in City A.

In the hospital, in a senior suite ward.

"Old man, I rescued you safely, but she was injured, we may not be able to go back until tomorrow night." Tang Mo held the tablet and made a video call with Fu Boyan.

When Fu Boyan heard that Xiao Mengyao was injured, his handsome face suddenly showed pity.

"Which hospital is it? Give me the address, and I'll go there right away!" Fu Boyan felt pain in his heart. He couldn't wait until tomorrow, and he was going to her side now.

What, he is coming! ?
Tang Mo frowned, his body is so weak, what about running around.

"You just stay here obediently. She is not seriously injured, but she has lost too much blood and is too tired. She is fine." Tang Mo said honestly.

But Fu Boyan couldn't listen.

"Give me the address, immediately, immediately!" Fu Boyan didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, so he asked him for the address directly.

"Old man, you're not crazy, she's really fine, don't worry." Tang Mo tried to persuade him not to come over, but it was of no avail.

"Forget it!" Fu Boyan said, and turned off the video.

Tang Mo's eyebrows froze, he knew that the old man would definitely come, no matter whether he had the address here or not.

In the end, Tang Mo still sent the address to Fu Boyan.

On the hospital bed, Xiao Mengyao didn't know what was wrong, she frowned tightly, and her forehead was covered with dense cold sweat.

She looks very painful.

In the coma, there were bursts of throbbing pain, which directly woke up the pain.

Opening her eyes, the glaring light directly stimulated her pupils, it took a while to adapt to the brightness, and she opened her eyes again.

However, everything in front of her was very strange, and somewhat similar to the place she had just arrived in this time and space.

Could it be that this is a hospital?

She looked around and was sure!

This is a hospital, so how did she leave the tomb?
She couldn't figure it out, and the pain made her unable to think about anything. As long as she was still alive, it didn't matter how she left.

Xiao Mengyao curled up, but accidentally pulled the wound again, but the pain on the wound could not be compared with menstrual pain at all.

Outside, Tang Mo put away the tablet, intending to go in to see the people inside, but when he came in, he found that she was awake.

(End of this chapter)

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