Chapter 139 This Is Not A Dream! ?
Unscrupulous old people don't want to see him like this, Tang Mo's heart is suffering at this moment.

Of course, Fu Boyan was so gorgeous, ignoring the screaming person behind him, pushed open the door of the ward and walked in gently.

It was late at night now, and he didn't want to disturb her rest, so all his movements were very light, and he walked all the way without making any noise.

Xiao Mengyao was still curled up against the head of the bed, because of the pain, which made it difficult for her to fall asleep. Although her eyes were closed, she was still awake.

At this moment, she was missing someone, because thinking about him, thinking about him, the pain in her limbs seemed to be relieved a lot.

From their meeting, falling in love, killing each other, until the final farewell, and meeting again, she recalled these over and over again.

Thinking about it, she seemed to understand how selfish, cruel, and heartless she was.

However, those are all in the past, and at dawn, she will leave here and go to the island to find him.

After finding him, I will never be separated from him again. From then on, I will go down to the underworld, live and die together, and never let go of his hand...

Fu Boyan stopped by the bed, his eyes fixed on the thin little man, and his heart, which had not been beating for a long time, suddenly ached violently.

His Yaoyao finally came back to him...

Seeing her leaning against the bed, Fu Boyan concluded that she was not asleep, and walked to the bed, wrapped his arms around her, and said softly, "It's so late, why aren't you asleep?"

The familiar voice, the familiar tone, Xiao Mengyao came out of the memory in an instant.

In an instant, her heart was beating like crazy, tears blurred her eyes in an instant...

Slowly raising his head, he looked at the familiar face in the dim light.

Yes - promise!

She is not dreaming! ?

This was Xiao Mengyao's first thought.

The island was so deserted that it was impossible to leave without rescue, and Nuo was still so weak at that time.

Thinking of this, Xiao Mengyao's heart ached. She really regretted leaving him that day.

But those people are all ruthless, if they don't lure them away, Nuo will be more dangerous, and she doesn't have the ability to protect Nuo, so she decides to leave him alone to deal with them.

But the final development of the matter made her unexpected.

If this is a dream, let her stay in the dream and stay with Nuo and never wake up.

Fu Boyan circled her, but he didn't see any reaction from her, so he suddenly became worried.

"Yaoyao, what's the matter?" He asked with concern, let go of his arms, sat down on the side of the bed, staring at her with burning eyes.

Xiao Mengyao also looked at him, but still kept silent, because she could no longer distinguish between reality and dream.

If it's a dream, then what's the matter with this real feeling?If it is reality, there are too many impossibilities.

Fu Boyan stared at her, with mixed emotions in his heart, what happened to his Yaoyao, why did he feel like he didn't know him anymore? !

"Yaoyao, but what's wrong?" He frowned, he didn't like this feeling very much.

Xiao Mengyao was still silent, just looked at him stupidly, as if she wanted to see him through.

For a while, Fu Boyan stopped talking, he had thousands of words but didn't know how to say them, because she never said a word.

Silence, stillness, takes over everything...

After a long time, Xiao Mengyao confirmed that this was not a dream, because she didn't sleep, how could she dream!

The fact is that the man in front of her is exactly the one she wants to find, the one she can't let go of, and the pillar of her life.


The hoarse voice was small, but mixed with a lot of emotion.

She finally spoke, Fu Boyan smiled softly, and wrapped her in his arms, but now he didn't say a word.

"No, is it really you? This isn't my dream, is it?" Xiao Mengyao asked foolishly in his arms.

She was afraid, afraid that everything would be a dream, and the dream would turn into nothingness.

(End of this chapter)

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