Chapter 141 Little idiot, I'm teasing you

Tang Mo got up unhappily, and left with a displeased look. With two long legs, he rushed to find the female gynecologist.

In the ward, Fu Boyan hugged his little girl as carefully as if he were holding a rare treasure.

Xiao Mengyao nestled in his arms very well, like a little white rabbit.

The pale little face looks distressing, but at the moment she is very happy, because now she can let go of everything in the past, and be with the person she loves without any grievances.

Love each other and stay together, never leave, never leave, grow old forever.

Fu Boyan lowered his head and took in her smile, "What are you thinking?"

It was rare to see her smile, so Fu Boyan was curious, what could make her smile? !
He actually knew a little bit about the answer.

"I'm thinking about you, what I didn't dare to think about before..." Xiao Mengyao stared blankly, her smile deepened, like a blooming flower.


Fu Boyan pretended to be disbelieving on purpose, his heart was already full of joy, his Yaoyao finally started to miss him, how good it is!

He acted like "I don't believe it", and asked Xiao Mengyao to raise his eyebrows. The smile just now slowly dissipated, and his brows frowned.

It's normal not to believe it, it's all caused by her, no wonder anyone else.

However, she will convince him with proof.

"Little idiot, I'm teasing you." With her like this, Fu Boyan couldn't pretend anymore, because his heart would hurt. "As long as it's Yaoyao's words, I'll believe anything."

He said sure.

Xiao Mengyao was speechless all of a sudden, what else could she say after Nuodu said that.

She can't say love words, and she can't even say those sweet words. In the end, all words turned into affectionate glances.

Looking at each other quietly, the warm current flows, full of love...

Outside the ward, Tang Mo dragged a middle-aged gynecologist, and trotted in through the door.

Tang Mo checked the time as soon as he came in, it was exactly 10 minutes.

He was happy to brag about his efficiency, but when he saw Fu Boyan's darkened face, he shrank his neck.

Not good, I'm afraid it's ruining the good thing of being immortal, and I'm going to die now.

"Well... I'll go out first if I have nothing to do... Well... it's getting late, I'll go buy you something to eat..." Tang Mo rolled his dark eyes and found an excuse to slip away.

Fu Boyan ignored him and only gave him a cold look.

"Then... I'm going..." Tang Mo grinned and slipped away with oil on the soles of his feet.

Tang Mo ran away, leaving behind the gynecologist who had just been brought in, and the atmosphere was a little awkward all of a sudden.

Xiao Mengyao still nestled obediently in Fu Boyan's warm arms, her face blushing, as if she had done something wrong.

Seeing her like this, Fu Boyan drew a warm smile, warmer than the morning sun and softer than the spring breeze in March.

"Come here and see why she always suffers from dysmenorrhea." Fu Boyan said to the doctor, his tone was cold and majestic.

The gynecologist was afraid of his coldness and majesty, so he walked towards the bed without daring to speak.

"Miss, did you often have dysmenorrhea?" the gynecologist asked.

Xiao Mengyao thought about it, but she didn't know, because this body was not hers, and the dysmenorrhea only occurred in these two times.

"I... don't know..." She said truthfully, but her voice was very small.

do not know?
The doctor was speechless, how could she not know about this.

The doctor thought about it quietly for a while, and suggested, "Let's go for an examination. It's hard for me to make a conclusion about your answer."

She is a human being with mortal eyes. Although she has medical skills, she dare not draw conclusions rashly. It is better to check carefully.

Hearing what the doctor said, Fu Boyan's eyes turned cold, it turned out he was a useless waste.

"Go and make arrangements, we'll come over later." His words were as cold as ice slag, and they could freeze three feet when they fell.

The doctor was frightened by him, and his face turned pale, "Okay... I'll make arrangements..." After the doctor finished speaking, he walked away in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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