Chapter 143 Let's Go Home

After getting the result, Fu Boyan felt a dull pain in his heart.

Of course, what he wants to know most is why Yaoyao has been in a coma for three years, and what is going on with her weak and ordinary physique! ?
If it is said that these are man-made, then they should pay the corresponding price for it.

Touching his woman is equivalent to breaking ground on Tai Sui's head.

So damn it!
Fu Boyan crumpled the physical examination report in his hand, and finally the physical examination form turned into powder in his hands.

What happened three years ago will not pass away, he decided to investigate Yaoyao's past, he will not let those who bullied his woman...

In the afternoon, in the ward.

Xiao Mengyao changed out of her hospital gown and wore the clothes that Fu Boyan asked Tang Mo to buy specially.

"Yaoyao, how do you feel? Is there any discomfort?" Fu Boyan hugged his little woman and asked with tender concern.

Xiao Mengyao held his hands and replied with a sweet smile, "No, I feel good."

She didn't know why he asked such a question, or answered truthfully.

"That's good..." Fu Boyan seemed to let go of his heart, hoping that she would recover quickly, "Let's go home and leave in the afternoon."

He has never liked a place like a hospital where there are many dead people. It is a miracle that he can stay in the hospital for more than a day this time.

Now that Yaoyao has nothing serious to do, she might as well go back to Sakura Villa to recuperate.

The doctors there have everything, absolutely no worse than those in the hospital.

"go home?"

Xiao Mengyao was puzzled, when did they have a home?Why doesn't she know?
"Yes, home, our home."

Fu Boyan said lightly that Sakura Villa is their home, and it will be their forever home.

"Okay, if you say go home, we will go home."

For her, home can be anywhere, as long as he is there, there is home.

In the afternoon, Tang Mo worked as an errand worker to go through the discharge procedures.

Because Xiao Mengyao's body is still relatively weak, and her injuries have not fully recovered, her attending physician suggested staying in the hospital for a few days to prevent her injuries from getting worse.

But Fu Boyan has decided to leave the hospital, and no one can change his decision, Tang Mo knows this best.

Tang Mo rejected the doctor's offer and insisted on completing the discharge procedures.

When Tang Mo completed the formalities, Fu Boyan had already led Xiao Mengyao out of the hospital in a big way.

Behind them, Tang Mo ran to catch up with them with a bitter expression on his face.

The wind mischievously messed up his hairstyle, making him look messy, but Tang Mo didn't care.

You must know that a handsome person can conquer all hairstyles, such as killing Matt and chicken nest hair, they are all trivial.

Hehe, it's not that a certain man is bluffing, in fact he does have capital.

Although he is not as monstrous, evil, and unpredictable as Fu Boyan, Tang Mo is definitely a rare national grass, a prince lost in the world.

Tang Mo caught up with the people in front, and Kaidi waited for them for a long time.

After getting in the car, Kaidi turned on the running mode, but it didn't want to just run quietly.

In the car, Emperor Kai cared most about Xiao Mengyao. He ignored the aloof hostess and Tang Mo, who was known as the 'monster of science', and only cared about Xiao Mengyao.

"Mistress, is your injury healed? Kaidi is really worried about you." A caring greeting from a certain car.

"It's much better, thank you for your concern." Compared with the indifference before, this time Xiao Mengyao gave Kai Emperor a lot of face.

The same is true, making Kaidi happy all of a sudden.

"That's it, it's good." A certain car seemed very relieved, but Xiao Mengyao couldn't bear the last sentence of a certain car, "The mistress is in good health, it would be even better if she can give birth to a little master soon .”


Xiao Mengyao blushed suddenly and was speechless.

But Fu Boyan smiled evilly, Kaidi finally got to the point this time, and he can give a big praise.

"Cough cough!"

Tang Mo almost choked to death on his own saliva. I don't know which system is wrong with Kaidi?

Why did she turn into a 'give birth to an old mother'? Look at how Xiao Yaoyao is still a baby, how can she give birth to a child.

(End of this chapter)

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