Chapter 153 Robot Nanny

This trick of the old man is very good, and it does not leave him a way to survive.

It's's most, 20 years later, it will be another heroic paper.

Tang Mo moved his chopsticks as if death had come, and viciously ate a plate full of fish.

He swore that from this moment on, he would never eat fish in his life...

In the kitchen, Xiao Mengyao's figure came and went, taking back the dishes she had just cooked, except for the plate of fish, because Tang Mo refused to give it to her, insisted on keeping it and said that she would 'enjoy' it slowly.

Xiao Mengyao knew the reason for Tang Mo's actions without even thinking about it. In the end, she didn't want to embarrass Tang Mo, so she gave up the idea of ​​taking the fish away.

Back in the kitchen, the man is waiting for her.

"Yaoyao, it's your first time cooking, it's great to be able to do this." The man comforted her, not wanting her to be unhappy about unnecessary things.

"I know, so I have to study harder." Xiao Mengyao was in a good state of mind, and she didn't know where the little feelings of disappointment just now had gone.

She is very casual, so she naturally doesn't care about some failures, after all, failure is the mother of success.

And for this meal, she was impatient, and she only learned a little bit of superficiality, and she just wanted to cook, so it is normal to have such a result.

Nothing to worry about.

Now that she can be with him, and her life is still long, she has plenty of time to learn how to cook, and then make it for him.

Her mentality reassured Fu Boyan a lot. The person he likes is different from others.

Although he didn't know why she insisted on learning how to cook, he was confident in teaching her well.

"Then, let's learn it tomorrow..." Fu Boyan took her little hand and shook it like a child, "I'm tired today, go and rest."

Yaoyao is the tip of his heart, he will feel very distressed when he is tired.

Xiao Mengyao wanted to say no, she wanted to learn something from him, but she still didn't say it after thinking about it, she just nodded obediently.

She knew that even if she said it, he would not agree.

"Hey, go to sleep for a while, I'll call you for dinner." As the man said, he picked her up by the waist and left the kitchen with graceful steps...

After eating the fish that day, Tang Mo put himself in a 'confinement', and he came very late even when it was time for dinner.

In the past two or three days, Xiao Mengyao followed Fu Boyan seriously to learn how to cook. Although she still didn't cook very well, it wasn't too bad.

At least, she can tell the difference between salt and sugar, soy sauce and vinegar, and she has learned all the basics of cooking, and even the appearance and taste of the dishes have improved.

A new day, a new beginning, Xiao Mengyao put on an apron, and was busy in the kitchen very seriously...

In the morning, when it was time for dinner, Tang Mo unexpectedly showed up at the dining table early today.

Xiao Mengyao and Fu Boyan came out of the kitchen with today's dishes. Tang Mo looked at them, and found that his match was a bit too much.

It is far from enough to apply male talents and female appearance to them...

Time passed by, and when the main course came, Tang Mo stared at the dishes that looked good, looking full of appetite.

"Yaoyao, you've made a lot of progress!" Tang Mo couldn't help but praise.

Xiao Mengyao didn't take the credit, but looked at the people around him modestly, "It's all good to teach."

"How could it be? It's my Yaoyao who has that talent." Fu Boyan smiled smugly, looking very charming.

Tang Mo blinked again and again, at what point did they go, and now they started talking about husband and wife?Will it be time to give birth to little Yaoyao?
Uh... That doesn't seem to have anything to do with him, what is he doing here.

Tang Mo shook his head and became serious, "Since Xiao Yaoyao has made such great progress, I will reward you with a small gift."

Tang Mo clapped his hands with a proud face, and a robot walked slowly at the door.

"This is a robot nanny who can do everything from cooking and housework to trivial matters."

(End of this chapter)

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