Chapter 155 Wind Chime Resort (1)

"You two are very interesting..." Xiao Mengyao stayed in his arms and said honestly.


Fu Boyan didn't think so, it was obviously owed by the little monster, so it's not interesting.

It would be more interesting if the little monsters weren't there.

"Yaoyao, why don't we do something interesting?" The man was in high spirits all afternoon, his arms tightened, his chin fell to the shoulder of the villain in his arms, and he lowered his voice and said something ambiguous.

In the next second, Xiao Mengyao's face flushed red to the base of her ears, her little heart "touched" and kept beating, and she didn't even know how to maintain that posture with her hands.

She was a little flustered, shy, and embarrassed, but it made Fu Boyan smirk evilly.

It turned out that it would be so interesting to tease her, but he once said that he would not touch her without her consent.

"Yaoyao, what's wrong with you?" The man asked her deliberately with a smirk.

"'s's okay..." Xiao Mengyao faltered, her words were messed up.

It's not that she's worthless, but that she's too thin-skinned and old-fashioned, and can't stand being teased or listen to love words.

Although she is trying to change, but the time has not yet come, and she has not changed much.

Seeing her like this, Fu Boyan didn't want to tease her anymore, otherwise she would definitely run away blushing.

"Yaoyao, how about we go out to bask in the sun?"

"Okay." Xiao Mengyao agreed straight away, she wished to leave here quickly, go out to get some air, and ease her embarrassment.

Just leave as soon as you say, but just hug her. Fu Boyan seems to like hugging her very much, and she has no right to object, because she can't hold him back.

The sunshine in spring is always soft and warm, and the breeze blows by, feeling cool and comfortable.

The little person nestled in someone's arms, the pink and tender little face was contracted by happiness...

In the evening, Tang Mo triumphantly claimed credit in front of Fu Boyan with his notebook.

"I found three good places, including Japan, the United States, and China. Where are you going?" Tang Mo asked with a rare seriousness, hugging his notebook.

Fu Boyan listened, Japan was the first one he pulled away, and the second was the United States. The reason for not going to those two countries was simple, because he didn't like it, and Yaoyao probably wouldn't like it either.

"China!" Fu Boyan spat out the two words coldly.

Tang Mo seemed to have known this would happen a long time ago, but he knew that old people don't like foreign countries, and the reasons for this are very complicated.

"I searched for Chinese words, and there is a very good place in K City called Fengling Resort." Tang Mo opened his notebook as he spoke, and soon all the information about Fengling Resort appeared in detail.

Fu Boyan took a look and found that it was not bad. The distance from the city center to the small village was not too far, and it looked not bad. The [-]A scenic spot should not be too bad.

Mainly, there are things that girls like most, such as flower seas, zoos, and circuses, which are more interesting.

"Yaoyao, let's go here, okay?" The man asked, leaving the decision to the little man around him, he wanted to take her to play, so naturally it was her choice.

"Xiao Yaoyao, don't make a decision yet, read the information first." Tang Mo quickly took the notebook and handed it to Xiao Mengyao.


Xiao Mengyao nestled on the sofa, took the notebook, and carefully read the information about Fengling's vacation.

It took her 5 minutes to read it carefully. The first feeling is that it is very good. The main point is that the place is not far away, which is ideal for her who suffers from motion sickness.

"Yan, why don't we just go here?" She asked the man next to her again, but she forgot that the decision was in her hands.

"Yaoyao has decided, then we will set off tomorrow." Fu Boyan raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly, his sinful appearance was very eye-catching.

"I've decided to go and I'll arrange it for you. I wish you a happy time in advance." Tang Mo took the computer and became an 'old lady', taking Qinglin's job.

(End of this chapter)

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