Chapter 160 Naughty Punishment

Fu Boyan was slightly taken aback, and looked up, a certain little woman was smiling innocently.

This... He was surprised.

It seems that this trip is the right one, his Yaoyao has begun to open up.

In the air, dandelion seeds fly freely, and finally are carried away by the evening wind.

"Yaoyao, you are so naughty!" the man said, not blaming, only doting.

Xiao Mengyao smiled playfully, stretched out her other hand and generously sent the remaining white 'little pompoms' in front of him, "Yan, do you want to play, it's very fun."

This time she didn't playfully blow the 'little pompom' in her hand, but really wanted to give it to him.

However, Fu Bode didn't believe her. With an evil blow, the 'little pompom' instantly turned into a 'bald chicken', and all the 'little parachutes' on it took off and went away with the wind.

Now, Xiao Mengyao was in a daze.

What is self-inflicted, this is it.

However, she is very happy.

"Yaoyao, is it fun? Let's continue playing, okay?" the man said evilly, with a warm smile reaching his eyes.

There is an indelible tenderness in the eyes.

"Okay, let's continue..." Xiao Mengyao was full of interest, and before she finished speaking, she ran away.

Fu Boyan got up and followed.

On the lawn path, Xiao Mengyao prepared enough 'ammunition' and was just waiting for someone to come over.

A few steps away, Fu Boyan had already seen through her thoughts, made a wicked smile, and slowed down his pace.

The distance between the two gradually drew closer, Xiao Mengyao was getting ready, but Fu Boyan suddenly stopped and didn't come as she expected.

Fu Boyan stopped a few steps away from her, "Yaoyao, come here and I have something for you."

His tone was normal, his appearance was serious, and he didn't seem to be bluffing.

Xiao Mengyao expressed a little depression, and finally believed in his evil, and approached him blankly, "What is it?"

"It's a good thing." The man said, he didn't know when there were a few more 'little pompoms' in his hand, taking advantage of her unpreparedness, his 'trick' succeeded.

"Yan, you lied to me!"

Xiao Mengyao waved her hands to break up the 'parachute' flying in front of her, but she forgot that she also had a 'little pompom' in her hand, and more 'parachutes' flew in the air.

Knowing that the last dandelion seeds were taken away by the breeze and drifted to the unknown front, and under the red sunset, the grass seemed to be dyed red.

Fu Boyan held the paw of a little woman who was still waving, "Yaoyao, it's getting late, it's time to go back and rest."

Xiao Mengyao looked at the sky, and it was indeed getting late, but it would take time to walk back from here, and it would probably be dark by the time I got back.

"Well, let's go back."

A certain little woman took the initiative to hold the man's hand. Under the red sunset, they walked back the same way...

Back at the residence, Xiao Mengyao only felt that her legs were so sore and her whole body was weak.

Her physique is unimaginably weak, so she is more prone to fatigue than anyone else. Although she has recuperated well during this period and is much better than before, she still hasn't been cured.

As soon as she got back to the room, Xiao Mengyao went into the bathroom, washed up, and went straight to the big bed.

She is so tired and just wants to sleep.

After a while, Fu Boyan also came out of the bathroom, and his eyes fell on the lazy little man on the bed.

A wicked smile occupied its handsome face.

"Yaoyao, you can't sleep yet, we have a debt to settle." He whispered in her ear.

Xiao Mengyao was so tired that she didn't even have the strength to lift her eyelids, "Save it for tomorrow...I sleep..."

Her voice was almost slurred.

"No, we have to do the math tonight."

The man refused to give up, and finally pulled her up. At this moment, Xiao Mengyao leaned limply in his arms as if she had no bones.

"Yaoyao, this is your naughty punishment, don't be misbehaving in the future." After the man finished speaking, he kissed her lips gently, softly, not overbearingly, just a simple kiss.

Xiao Mengyao had already fallen asleep in a daze, and didn't realize that she was being eaten with tofu.

(End of this chapter)

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