The black emperor is the only favorite, the killer's wife does not want to escape

Chapter 167 Have you ever thought about the consequences

Chapter 167 Have you ever thought about the consequences (2)

Who knows, Xiao Mengyao is very shameless, not to mention ignoring her, she didn't even glance at her.

It wasn't that she was rude, but that Qiu Yuran was unworthy.

Because, from the original owner's memory, she knew how this 'good stepmother' treated the original owner in the past, and the original owner's biological mother was also killed by the woman in front of her.

Just ask, does such a vicious woman deserve the respect of others! ?

The answer, of course not!
Seeing that Xiao Mengyao was silent, Xiao Yanrou couldn't bear it anymore.

"Little fool, don't be ignorant of flattery!" While speaking, Xiao Yanrou looked arrogant and domineering again.

But she seemed to have forgotten that the 'little fool' she was talking about was no longer stupid!

Xiao Mengyao frowned, this woman is also extremely hot, if it wasn't for her three years ago, the original owner would not have passed away at a young age.

However, I am also grateful to her, if not for her, I would not be reborn on the original owner...

"Don't know how to praise? You are mistaken, it seems that you are the one who doesn't know how to praise!" Xiao Mengyao said casually, and a cold smile bloomed on her delicate cheeks.

That kind of cold beauty is like the snow lotus blooming in Tianshan Mountain.

"You!" Xiao Yanrou squeezed out a word from between her teeth, as if she was going to eat someone, a little ferocious.

In a few minutes, something happened here, and it attracted some onlookers.

Most of these people think that Xiao Mengyao is a reasonable party, but the mother and daughter don't seem to be good people.

Those who have been watching for a long time clearly know that the mother and daughter are looking for things...

Qiu Yuran and Xiao Yanrou couldn't keep up with some contemptuous looks.

In fact, their face has long been lost. After having an angelic dream last time, their face has been lost.

During that time, Qiu Yuran didn't have the face to go to the company, Xiao Yanrou didn't have the face to go out, they hid at home all day long, and they decided to come to Fengling Resort to relax after the matter subsided.

But the result made them lose face again, but fortunately, there are not many high-level celebrities here.

This is a blessing in misfortune!

"What are you looking at, haven't you seen other people's housework?!" Qiu Yuran roared with majesty.

She is just a 'Tigress' showing off her power at the moment, and she may do some dangerous things at any time.

As soon as she exited, many tourists left one after another. Although everyone has the desire to watch the excitement, they don't want to be in a bad mood. After all, the purpose of traveling is to relax...

Gradually, there were fewer and fewer people, just as Qiu Yuran hoped.

Well, now that everyone is gone, it's time to talk about them.

"Yaoyao, no matter what, I raised you from a young age. Now that you have recovered, I should be happy for you!" Qiu Yuran pretended to be kind, not to mention how much she hated Xiao Mengyao!
Depend on!This woman is enough, can you stop being so disgusting, it makes him want to vomit.

Fu Boyan's expression froze indifferently, "Please don't disgust us anymore, if you have nothing to do, please disappear in front of my eyes immediately, otherwise... you will be at your own risk!"

His tone was cold and indifferent, but he had an inexplicable and terrifying majesty.

He is like a king who holds the power of life and death aloft, every word can make people feel that death is only one step away.

Qiu Yuran's heart skipped a beat, panic and fear gradually spread.

But, compared to dying and losing everything, she would rather die!

She is used to living a life of rich clothes and rich food, if she suddenly loses everything and is beaten back to her original shape, she will feel worse than death.

And she is also very clear that now that the little fool is not stupid or dumb, he will definitely take back the Xiao family and drive their mother and daughter out.

Of course, they may also go to jail, because she believes that the little fool will not let them go easily.

What they did to the little fool back then, every single one of them could make the little fool hate them to death!
(End of this chapter)

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