Chapter 176 Going to the Zoo (3)

After the administrator finished speaking, he prepared a wonderful performance for a while.

Fu Boyan took his little girl to the best viewing place.

Watching them sit down, the administrator over there began his performance.

In front of him was a big box, and the box was covered with a layer of black cloth. After the administrator removed the black cloth, a boxy transparent box appeared.

Inside the box are all colorful butterflies, which are arranged in an orderly manner on which white ropes in the box.

There are ten ropes running across the box, and butterflies are densely parked on each rope, and butterflies of one color are parked on one rope. Ten ropes and ten colors of butterflies are more colorful than rainbows when viewed from a distance. Colorful.

Xiao Mengyao stared at the big box curiously without blinking her eyes. This was the first time she had seen so many beautiful butterflies.

She likes it, and Fu Boyan likes it too.

"Don't worry, the fun is yet to come." The man said unhurriedly, he picked up a small strawberry with a toothpick and put it in her mouth.

Red strawberry tastes very good, sweet, she likes it.

After eating a strawberry, Xiao Mengyao also politely tied one up and brought it to the man's mouth, "It's delicious, try it."

Fu Boyan did not refuse her kindness. After eating the strawberry, he made a bad comment, "It's not delicious at all, but Yaoyao is the best."

Well, strawberries are only sour but not sweet, and they have no taste and are unpalatable, but Yaoyao is different, it is fresh and sweet, the most delicious.

His words made Xiao Mengyao's face covered with black lines, and he even forgot what he wanted to say.

Forget it, the words are not serious again, so keep silent.

All of a sudden, they stopped talking again, Xiao Mengyao looked back at the big box, while Fu Boyan only looked at her.

On the administrator's side, everything was ready. Finally, he took out a very peculiar whistle and blew it lightly. The butterflies in the big box fluttered their wings and flew out of the big box one after another in an orderly manner as if they had received an order. .

After all the butterflies flew into the air, the administrator continued to whistle, and the butterflies formed various patterns in the air.

At first it was simple flowers.

The red butterfly turns into 'petals', the black butterfly draws the 'line', the yellow and white butterflies are responsible for the 'stamens', and the remaining butterflies of other colors form 'leaves', 'stems' and other parts.

Xiao Mengyao was fascinated by watching it, and found it very interesting. She couldn't believe that the 'flowers' in the sky were made up of small butterflies.

It's incredible, it's so lifelike.

However, this is still the simplest.

After the butterflies formed into flowers, they stayed for a few minutes. The administrator blew the whistle again. All the butterflies obeyed the order and formed many other three-dimensional patterns, such as cute rabbits, beautiful peacocks, simple and honest and lovely dolphins...

Xiao Mengyao was stunned by the beautiful three-dimensional pictures, but it was the last set of pictures that shocked her.

The administrator whistled again, and the butterflies lined up in the air. The black butterflies drew two silhouettes holding hands, and the other colored butterflies colored the silhouettes.

Soon, two beautiful 'butterfly people' were completed, and the remaining butterflies formed the five characters 'Yaoyao I love you', and each character has a different color.

And those two 'butterfly men' represent the two of them.

This is so interesting, Xiao Mengyao can't believe it, which ones are butterflies.

She withdrew her gaze from the butterflies in the air, turned her head to look at the person in front of her, and was very moved.

Inexplicably, the eyes also became moist.

Fu Boyan held her delicate face in both hands, and said to her word by word, "Yaoyao, I, love, you!"

Before his words fell, Xiao Mengyao's hot tears fell first. She lived two lives, and in these two lives, he was the only one who loved her, protected her, and never gave up on her...

Maybe she was too touched, the more she thought about it, the more she couldn't control the tears that burst.

(End of this chapter)

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