Chapter 179 Ferry Circus

Besides, there are so many, how can she support her.

"I don't want it, I'm satisfied if I like to see it."

She is a simple person and is easy to satisfy, so she understands that liking does not necessarily have to have this principle.

"Really don't want it?" Fu Boyan deliberately lowered his tone, raising his eyebrows a little regretfully.

Xiao Mengyao shook her head, even if she wanted her, she couldn't afford it, "Well, this is their home."

"OK then."

Fu Boyan showed a faint and warm smile, but said nothing.

They spent most of the day visiting the zoo, and left in the afternoon for the next attraction, the Ferry Circus.

The performances there are diverse, not only animal performances, but also some interesting magic tricks, which is a place where girls like to go.

In the car, Emperor Kai anxiously asked Xiao Mengyao a question she hadn't answered in the morning.

"Mistress, can you tell me now, what animal do you like?"

A certain car is a stick, and it won't give up until it asks the answer.

Xiao Mengyao thought about it, she seemed to like all the animals she saw today, if she had to say her favorite, it should be butterflies.

They have many colors and can fly freely in the sky. Of course, this is not the most important thing.

She likes butterflies because of the three-dimensional painting that moved her.

"I like butterflies."

Of course, her favorite three-dimensional painting made of butterflies, she will remember that painting forever, forever!

"Well, the hostess really has a unique taste." After a certain car knew the answer, he immediately clapped loudly.

In fact, there are not many girls who like butterflies, so its mistress is indeed different.

Xiao Mengyao has a humble face, she has unique taste, but there is some reason...

The time passed quickly amid Kaidi's chatter all the way, and it didn't take long to reach the Ferry Circus.

Kaidi stopped outside the circus, and Fu Boyan and Xiao Mengyao got out of the car in a low-key manner.

Today's circus is still the same as usual, and it has not been booked.

Outside the circus, there were many tourists, and Fu Boyan and Xiao Mengyao were just ordinary tourists.

Among the tourists they walked, although they were very low-key, they were still so conspicuous.

Because they are unique 'landscapes', they inevitably attract the attention of many tourists.

But Fu Boyan ignored those gazes.

After entering the circus, just in time for a magic show.

Although he knew that magic was boring, but thinking that she might like it, Fu Boyan bought two tickets without disgust.

When we arrived at the place where the magic was performed, we found the best location we bought just now.

As soon as they sat down, the magic trick on the stage in front of them began.

On the stage, a man in a tuxedo bowed politely as soon as he came, and then took out his tools and a black hat.

Looking at the people and tools on the stage, Fu Boyan knew that they must be old-fashioned small animals.

He guessed right.

On the stage, the performer took out a white pigeon from the hat with his bare hands, followed by the second, and the third...

Xiao Mengyao didn't find the performance on the stage very interesting, but rather boring.

This kind of trick doesn't seem to be difficult, but those little pigeons can suffer.

"Yan, let's go." She whispered, without saying the reason.

Fu Boyan saw the factor of disgust from her expression, so he nodded and led her away without asking any questions.

This kind of boring performance is really a waste of time.

As soon as they left the place where the magic was performed, someone enthusiastically came over and introduced them to some other performances of the circus.

"Handsome guy, beautiful girl, don't you like to watch magic tricks? It doesn't matter. There are many types of performances in our circus, and we can choose from a variety of performances. I believe there will always be one that you like."

A female staff member in business attire came over and said enthusiastically.

(End of this chapter)

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