Chapter 187 Still feeling uncomfortable?

However, just as he wiped off the residue at the corners of her mouth, Xiao Mengyao vomited again the next second.

My stomach churned so badly that I felt like I was about to vomit out what I ate yesterday.

Looking at her, Fu Boyan could do nothing but feel distressed because he couldn't help her.

This feeling of dry watching made him super upset!

The cold wind blows, the temperature is relatively low, the sky is dark and drizzle is falling.

After wetting Xiao Mengyao's long hair, strands were twisted together, she was out of breath, her little face was pale, and she didn't know whether it was sweat or rain.

Finally, she vomited everything, and felt that she had vomited out even the gall.

In the end, Fu Boyan wiped away all the remaining corners of her mouth for her, and pulled her into his arms with heartache.

"Yaoyao, hold on for a while, we'll go to the hospital right away."

After he finished speaking with heartache, his face became worried, and his eyes showed pity.

Xiao Mengyao had no strength left, she nestled softly in his arms, unable to speak a word, her head was still dizzy.

Holding her and returning to the car, Fu Boyan glanced at the black car with a punctured tire, and his eyes instantly turned cold.

The breath of death spread instantly.

Oh, dare to provoke her so blatantly, very well, he will not let her go.

"Let Qinglin come over to finish the work, and the people in the car will stay alive." After Fu Boyan gave Kaidi instructions, he put all his thoughts on the petite and weak little man in his arms.

Kaidi remained silent, and forwarded his words along with the location here to Qinglin.

Qinglin, who was concentrating on his work, saw the screen of his mobile phone light up, so he picked it up and took a look. Without saying a word, he put down everything at hand, got up and left the office...

Kaidi received a letter from Qinglin.

"Master, he will be there soon." Kaidihui reported, then slowed down the car, and asked for instructions, "Master, where are we going?"

At this moment, the situation of the hostess is relatively bad, and it feels a little bit sorry.

"Hospital." Fu Boyan spat out the words like ice slag coldly, without any words.

Knowing where to go, Kaidi searched for the hospital, looking for the nearest and best hospital.

On the way to the hospital, Xiao Mengyao fell asleep weakly, and when she opened her eyes again, everything she saw was spotless white.

She is quite familiar with this style of place, because she has stayed in a place like this for a long time.

Seeing her wake up, Fu Boyan showed a reassuring smile. Although he knew that she was only suffering from severe motion sickness, he was still worried and uneasy.

It wasn't until she woke up that he put his heart back in place.

Turning her head and staring at him, Xiao Mengyao showed a sweet and happy smile. Although she was pale at the moment, her smile was not ugly at all.

In Fu Boyan's eyes, it is the most beautiful thing in the world, and there is nothing comparable.

"Wake up, why do you still feel uncomfortable?" He asked gently, but his tone was mixed with many things.

Xiao Mengyao shook her heavy head, "No more."

"That's good."

At this moment, his heart was completely let go.

After lying in the hospital for a long time, after the infusion, Fu Boyan took her back to Sakura Villa.

In the villa, Tang Mo couldn't believe what they went through today.

That person really had the guts to provoke him so nakedly in broad daylight.

Tsk tsk, I can only say that I am tired of life and death.

Tang Mo's heart ached when he saw the weak little girl on the sofa, she was the old and immortal sweetheart, and also his favorite little Yaoyao.

snort!After hurting Xiao Yaoyao like this, he won't let that person go second. Of course, he can't be the first, because the first is that the old and immortal are not his turn.

"Who is that? Did you catch him?" Tang Mo asked seriously.

Fu Boyan was feeding his heart and liver, so he didn't answer Tang Mo immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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