Chapter 190 Worse Than Death (3)

All of a sudden, Qinglin really wanted to know how Tang Mo would 'educate' that woman Xiao Yanrou.

But he knew one thing very well, that is, Tang Mo would not kill her, because Tang Mo never killed people, he only studied people.

Treat them as test subjects, even if they die, they are not homicides, at best they can be regarded as their 'self-contribution'.

"Oh, since our little monster Mr. Tang is going to vent his anger on the little proprietress, then I want to open my eyes." Qing Lin looked like he was watching the show, and said something.

Tang Mo ignored him, and went straight to the woman who was huddled in the corner. He took his hands out of his trouser pockets, squatted down, and his movements were very elegant.

If you are not familiar with him, you will think that he is a refined scholar.

However, he only has the appearance of an elegant scholar, but inside he is a steady and thoughtful person who likes to play tricks.

Overall, looks are deceiving.

Looking at him, Xiao Yanrou was even more frightened, her tightly huddled body could not help but tremble.

"What... what are you going to do?" she asked, her voice trembling again.

Xiao Yanrou knew very well that they were all rich and powerful here, and wanting to kill her was like crushing an ant.

Tang Mo felt it was funny, this woman dared to hit Kaidi with a car during the day, how could she know what it means to be afraid now!

But it's a pity that it's a little late.

If he just wanted to provoke the old man, he wouldn't bother to take care of it, but if she made Xiao Yaoyao uncomfortable, then the matter would be endless.

Xiao Yaoyao is an interesting girl, and now she is not only the favorite of the old man, but also the little girl he considers.

Therefore, now he needs to seek justice for his little sister and avenge her.

"What do you think I'm going to do!?" Tang Mo asked her intentionally, his appearance was still gentle and refined, without the slightest hint of sternness.

Xiao Yanrou froze for a moment, she wasn't him, how could she know what he was thinking, "How could I know!"

At this moment, Xiao Yanrou is not as arrogant as before. Now she is a prisoner, and her life may be lost at any time.

"Oh, you don't know?" Tang Mo pretended to be surprised, "It doesn't matter if you don't know, because you will know soon."

After he finished speaking, he got up and walked towards Qinglin.

"Hey, wouldn't it be too cheap to just kill her like this? She hurt Xiao Yaoyao so badly, why don't I let her feel the pain that Xiao Yaoyao has suffered." Tang Mo and Qing Lin said , the tone has some playful feeling.

Qinglin sniffed, and seemed indifferent, "She is a dead person now, you can 'play' as you like, the main thing is that you are happy."

I am not interested in this woman's life or death. Since she has the guts to provoke the boss, she must bear all the consequences.

But having said that, this woman is enough, provoke the boss again and again, and treat the little boss wife like that in the past, it is very rare for the boss to keep her alive.

But she is fine, not only does she not restrain herself, but she is even more presumptuous. Now it's all right, something went wrong in 'playing', so there is only one ending for her, and that is death!

But how and when to die depends on Young Master Tang's mood.

Tang Mo seemed to be in a dilemma for a while, slammed his mouth, and frowned, "Hehe, I will definitely make her 'extremely cool' and let her know what is more terrifying than death."

He spoke with a normal tone, a calm expression, and no sense of danger at all, but he created a sense of panic and fear in an invisible way.

Listening to his words, Xiao Yanrou was very afraid. She was afraid of death, and even more afraid of the feeling that was more terrifying than death.

"You can't do anything to me, you are violating the law, let me go!" Xiao Yanrou shouted courageously without confidence.

However, what she said was funny when she said it.

Tang Mo and Qing Lin looked at each other, this woman is too ignorant, what kind of people are they, Law Law doesn't threaten them at all.

(End of this chapter)

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