Chapter 200
The breeze blows away the coldness of the morning, and it is destined to be a sunny day.Just like everything between them will be full of sunshine and warmth from now on...

After that night, Xiao Mengyao lost her girlish shyness and became mature, and Fu Boyan loved her even more, pampering her.

Tang Mo was very happy for them like this, naturally he didn't forget to clamor for a little Yaoyao all day long...

Time is rushing, no one has stayed for anyone, and in a blink of an eye, spring has gone far, and summer is chasing after her.

In the early morning, just after dawn, Xiao Mengyao sat up, took away the paws of the hands holding her, and prepared to get up.

This is a habit she has developed in recent days, because this body is too poor, so she needs to strengthen the exercise.

It just so happens that practicing martial arts is the best choice for physical fitness, and it's not too late to start learning martial arts at her current age.

And she doesn't need a master yet, because she was once a top expert.

"Yaoyao, it's not even dawn yet, she's sleeping for a while." The man closed his eyes, and his big hands circled her again, trying to pull her back into his embrace.

"Yan, I woke up, you go to sleep." She said, full of energy, opened those white hands, quickly changed clothes, and then went to wash.

Fu Boyan was very helpless. If he had known that she was so energetic, he shouldn't have let her go so easily last night. At first he was worried that she would be tired, but in the end he worried too much.

hum!Don't let her go tonight.

The man also opened his seductive eyes in a good mood, and got up lazily with a little laziness.

From his actions, it can be seen how reluctant he is, but his beloved 'pillow' ran away, and he lost sleepiness.

Xiao Mengyao quickly finished washing here, and went straight downstairs.

Outside the villa, under the cherry tree, although the season of cherry blossoms has passed, the cherry blossoms here have never been defeated, not only did not thank, but also bloomed more prosperously.

Pink petals are fluttering, and a petite figure is dancing in the 'cherry blossom rain'.

Looking at her from a distance, Fu Boyan's interest suddenly came. It seems that she still has something to do today...

So someone put his hands in his pockets and walked slowly with a cool look. The petals falling in the air added a bit of mystery to him.

Reaching her side, stop, "Yaoyao, why don't you let me accompany you as a coach?"

Staring at the woman's weak movements, he raised his eyebrows and suggested.

The next second, Xiao Mengyao stopped, and the black line quickly climbed up her cheeks, saying that she wanted to accompany her to coach hands, so let it go.

He is a master-level character, he can take her down with just a small move, okay?

"Still... I'll practice on my own..." She muttered in a low voice, with a guilty conscience evident in her voice.

"you dislike me?"

The man asked dissatisfied.

"I do not have."

How dare she, besides, it's not disgust, it's lack of strength.

"Then let me practice with you." The man wrapped her in his arms and said softly.

She wanted to say no, but the word stuck in her throat and she couldn't get it out, so she had to nod obediently in the end.

"That's good. Don't worry, I will practice with you. I will reward you if you win, and you will also get rewards if you lose."

He smiled evilly, with a bewitching look, which is really irresistible.

Xiao Mengyao was so obsessed with him that someone took advantage of her before she got over it.

Feeling the coolness on her cheeks, she looked up at someone who was full of complacency, but she didn't have anything to say.

Well, she has been taken advantage of, so she has to take it back. In her words, it is reciprocity.

"Baji..." She gently kissed him on the cheek like a dragonfly on the water, and then ran quickly, pulling up her posture.

Fu Boyan touched this cheek, the beautiful look was evil and evil, bewitching all beings.

(End of this chapter)

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