Chapter 254
The man was still hugging her, his cold eyes became a little affectionate, "Yaoyao, I'm sorry, if he doesn't save you, I will come back to save you."

He didn't want to sacrifice her either, but apart from her, there was nothing that could restrain Fu Boyan.

So, I have no choice.

In the end, the man let go of Xiao Mengyao with some reluctance, and took Meng Ke and Su Xiaoli to leave the Cherry Blossom Villa.

In a coma, Xiao Mengyao seemed to have some strange dreams. These dreams made her heartache and uncomfortable, but they were very vague...

With the cold night wind blowing wantonly and Kaidi's crazy speed, Fu Boyan rushed to the address given to him by those people.

Getting out of the car, Fu Boyan glanced at the abandoned factory in front of him, and walked in without thinking.

Behind him, quietly followed.

"What are you doing?!"

Unfortunately, it was still found.

Mo Mo and innocently blinked, "It was the master who was worried that Mo Mo hid in Kaidi's storage box and came to protect you."

The silent answer made Fu Boyan frown, it's not here, what about Yaoyao's comfort! ?

Hopefully, this matter is just a single thing.

Fu Boyan ignored Mo Mo, Mo Mo continued to enter the factory.

The factory is huge and messy inside. It should have been abandoned for some years.

Entering the heart of the factory owner, he quickly scanned everything in front of him.

"Master, where is Tangtang?" Silently pointing to the front, flapping its wings, it flew over.

Fu Boyan turned his head, cast a glance and followed.

The dirty concrete floor was covered with shards of glass. Tang Mo was lying on the shards of glass with his eyes closed, his face pale.

Bright red blood flowed from his body, staining his clothes and the ground red.

"Tang Tang..."

Silently fell to Tang Mo's side and checked his injuries.

"Fortunately, skin trauma, excessive blood loss, not life-threatening."

Silently reported Tang Mo's situation.

Fu Boyan relaxed a little, but his face turned colder and colder.

Here, there is not even a shadow of a person, he must have run away long ago.

But why did they spend so much time to lure him here? !

It can't be an idle egg. It hurts and wants to die.

Thinking about it, Fu Boyan felt a "thump" in his heart, feeling bad.

He picked up Tang Mo, who was covered in blood, without disgust, and left the factory.

In the car, Fu Boyan still had a gloomy expression and said nothing.

Kai Di and Mo Mo feel terrified of him like this, so Mo Mo and Kai Di are silent and dare not say a word.

On the way back to City K, Kaidi didn't even know how many yards he used.

If the speed of light is the fastest, then Kaidi's speed is only a little bit worse than the speed of light.

On the national highway, Kaidi is a white shadow, and on the highway, it is a ghost.

At four in the morning, they rushed back to City K.

As soon as he arrived outside the Cherry Blossom Villa, Fu Boyan smelled blood, and his heart suddenly became uneasy.

After getting off the car, he threw Tang Mo to Kaidi, "Take him to see a doctor."

Leaving a word, Fu Boyan disappeared.

Flapping his wings silently, he followed closely behind Fu Boyan.

In front, the lights were still on in the villa, but Fu Boyan's gaze stopped at the cherry tree in front.

From a distance, looking at the person lying there, his heart hurts, he is uneasy, afraid...

He almost used the speed of light to appear in front of Xiao Mengyao in the blink of an eye.

The scarlet blood hurt his eyes!

This was the last result he wanted to face. He was caught in a trap. Those people used Tang Mo as a bait to lure him over, but the goal was Yaoyao!
What a shady scheme.

He picked up the person lying on the ground, but fortunately she just passed out and suffered some skin trauma, but she didn't hurt her life.

This made Fu Boyan relax a little.

However, daring to set him up and hurt the important people around him is enough for him to settle accounts with those people, enough to make them disappear forever and go to the eighteenth floor of hell!

(End of this chapter)

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