Chapter 257

With her elder brother gone, isn't she only going to die!

No, she doesn't want to die yet.

"Please, let me go, you all killed my elder brother, let me live."

Lu Ziyi cried and begged.

Big drops of tears, mixed with rain, slid down his cheeks.

However, the man in front of her was not moved by it.

"Cry, cry as much as you want while you still have energy and strength."

The man spoke coldly, and narrowed his slender phoenix eyes, as if looking at a prisoner on death row.

Lu Ziyi sobbed, the fear in her heart made her go to extremes.

Anyway, both left and right are dead, so why is she crying and waiting to die.

A bold idea was generated in my heart.

Suddenly she stretched out her hand, snatched the dagger from the man's hand, and made an attacking gesture, "I don't want to die! You don't come here, or...or I'm welcome..."

Trembling voice, with extreme panic, fear.

The man gave her a provocative look.

"Hehe, do you know what you look like, a dying clown." The man's tone of disdain was mixed with sarcasm.

If she didn't want to 'play' for a while, maybe she took more daggers from his hand?

"It's boring, you guys deal with her and make it clean."

The man has no interest at all, he is tired of playing this kind of "game" of life and death.

Leaving a word, the man got up and walked freely in the heavy rain.

"What are you going to do?!" Lu Ziyi held the dagger in both hands, like a frightened bird.

Those people around her, no one will answer her, but continue to move closer to her.

"Don't come here!" Lu Zixuan held the dagger and stabbed randomly, hoping to scare those people away.

However, these are trained professional thugs and killers, how could they be afraid of her.

The heavy rain was still pouring, the man gradually disappeared in the rain, and behind him, there was a piercing scream...

In the dream of angels.

The sound of ticking rain, like a lullaby, makes people sleepy.

In the living room, Fu Boyan was like an ice sculpture, quietly sitting on the sofa, as if waiting for someone.

On his side, Qinglin's eyes are wide open, not daring to doze off.

It's already past two o'clock in the morning, why hasn't he come yet?Could it be an accident?

"Boss, why don't I go and have a look?" Qinglin asked a little cautiously.

That guy Mu Ze, although he is arrogant and cold and unreasonable, he is still the boss's subordinate after all, and he is considered a brother with himself.

A few seconds passed, Fu Boyan did not answer Qing Lin, but continued to remain silent without saying a word.

I don't know what the boss means, so Qinglin can only wait and see.

Just to deal with a woman, he should trust Mu Ze.

The night ghost society with a huge foundation was taken over by them, let alone a woman, Qinglin felt relieved.

The sound of ticking rain was still there, and the time never stopped. It was almost three o'clock in the morning.

Finally, in the silence, there was a sound of the door opening.

As the door opened, a wet man walked in slowly.

He raised his eyes and looked at the person who was waiting for him, very surprised.

I thought that only Qinglin was waiting for me, but I didn't expect that the boss didn't rest either.

"Boss, I've been waiting for a long time. The journey is a bit long." Mu Ze explained in a tone of voice, walking towards Fu Boyan.

"It's okay, people are dead?!"

Fu Boyan asked coldly, without looking at Mu Ze.

"Yes, my subordinates handled it personally, without leaving any residue."

Mu Ze said, but in his heart he was admiring the potion Tang Mo researched, it was simply the best product for destroying corpses and traces.

"Very well, you go and rest."

Fu Boyan spoke, as indifferent and cold as ever.

In the end, all the people who bullied Yaoyao died, and hurt his woman, the price no one can afford.

"Yes!" Mu Ze respectfully said, then stopped, turned around, and went out.

(End of this chapter)

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