Chapter 261 Erythema
What happened to Yaoyao? !
Didn't the doctor say that it was just caused by weakness? Why did he have a high fever?

It really is a quack!

Fu Boyan dropped the thermometer, took his coat, put it on Xiao Mengyao, and hurried away with her in his arms.

Ten seconds later, they appeared under the Sakura Villa.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Kaidi. Half a minute later, Kaidi came from its exclusive high-end garage.

As soon as Kaidi came, his humanized chip felt a chill.

"Master, what happened?" Kaidi asked, and the car door opened automatically.

Getting in the car, Fu Bode ignored Kaidi's question, "Go to the hospital as quickly as possible."

After leaving a word, Fu Boyan turned on the silent mode.

Kaidi still wanted to ask something, but in the end he just gave up, because it vaguely felt the owner's restlessness.

The master has always been stable, and he is the kind who is not afraid of danger. It is rarer to have this kind of emotion at this moment than the red moon in the sky.

Therefore, it didn't dare to talk nonsense, so as not to make the owner even more irritable.

Kaidi followed Fu Boyan in silence, and his driving speed reached its peak, like lightning and more like a gust of wind.

All the way soaring, Kaidi appeared in the best hospital in K city in only ten minutes.

After getting out of the car, Fu Boyan walked quickly to the hospital with the feverish child in his arms.

In the hospital, the dean and several doctors were waiting here early.

Just ten minutes ago, the dean received a call from Dr. Chu, saying that a big person was coming, so he didn't dare to neglect, and quickly summoned the best doctors in the hospital to wait here.

"Go and check her immediately. If you can't find out the reason, you can decide for yourself!"

Fu Boyan stopped and said in a cold voice.

"Yes yes yes... Hurry up, get ready, go to the examination room?"

The dean nodded and bowed, and the grandson also followed Fu Bode's instructions.

All of a sudden, several doctors behind him became busy.

But Fu Boyan didn't let them touch Xiao Mengyao, but carried him to the examination room by himself.

In the examination room, Xiao Mengyao's blood was drawn first, and then various instruments were used in turn. This night, the hearts of everyone in the hospital were in suspense.

At dawn, the test results came out.

Looking at the inspection report, Fu Boyan's expression became unreadable.

The dean also breathed a sigh of relief. The girl was fine, but she might have been infected with smallpox, and it wasn't a fatal disease.

In the ward, Fu Boyan congealed the people on the bed, his heart was broken.

Why is his Yaoyao always in trouble, when will she get rid of those hardships.

While asleep, Xiao Mengyao felt uncomfortable all over, very hot and itchy.

Youyou opened her eyes, and happened to meet a pair of bloodshot eyes.

Seeing her wake up, Fu Boyan finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Yaoyao, are you okay?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, his usually pleasant voice became hoarse at this moment.

Xiao Mengyao's heart aches for him like this.

"I'm fine." She comforted, with an ugly smile on her pale face.

"Then, is there any discomfort?" Fu Boyan asked eagerly.

"No, it's just that my arm is itchy." She turned her head to the side, looked at the hand with the drip on it, and couldn't help but want to grab it with the other hand.

Fu Boyan held the hand she stretched out, "Let me see."

He stretched out his hand and pulled away her sleeve. At this moment, the arm with the drip was covered with red spots.

Immediately, Fu Boyan frowned, his face changed suddenly, but he didn't speak, and his heart became uneasy.

Xiao Mengyao was also surprised, what happened to her arm?Where did those red spots come from?

They were all red and red, growing on her fair arms, which were particularly ugly.

Suddenly, Xiao Mengyao's eyes paused, and she quickly pulled out the needle on the back of her hand, and pulled up the sleeve of the other arm. This hand also had red spots, and it was also very itchy.

(End of this chapter)

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