Chapter 266 Will I Die?
Beside the window, Fu Boyan nodded. All the "human spirits" of the Wu clan have a little bit of talent, so they shouldn't disappoint him too much.


Fu Boyan spat out two words, his eyes were cold.

Gongsun Qian's visit to the Cherry Blossom Villa came and went in a hurry.

In order to save more time, Fu Boyan asked Tang Mo and Kaidi to send Gongsun Qian back to the Wu Clan.

In the evening, Xiao Mengyao took the medicine left by Gongsun Qian, and the effect was obvious. Her appearance returned to before, but her hair did not change.

At night, the entire Cherry Blossom Villa was dead silent.

On the balcony, Xiao Mengyao sat in the hanging chair, looking at the night sky with deep thoughts.

Tonight's night, without the moon, looks particularly lonely and desolate.

"Yaoyao, Yeliang." Fu Boyan took the coat and put it on Xiao Mengyao, and then sat beside her, embracing her habitually.

Xiao Mengyao nestled obediently in his arms, greedily breathing in his exclusive scent.

In the past, this smell was her sleeping pill, and smelling it would make her feel at ease and have a sweet dream.

But now, she was actually a little afraid of smelling this smell, because she was afraid that she would fall asleep and then never wake up again.

"Yan, will I die?" Xiao Mengyao looked up and asked Fu Boyan.

With a flat expression, she couldn't tell what she was thinking at the moment.

Nostalgia, fear, and reluctance are all hidden by her too well.

"Why do you suddenly ask like this?"

Fu Boyan frowned, his eyes paused, and a trace of panic flashed in his heart.

Who said what to her? !
"It's okay, just asking casually."

Xiao Mengyao lowered her head, bitter in her heart, a dull pain spread in her atrium.

"Idiot, don't ask random questions in the future. Remember, with me here, nothing will happen to you!"

Fu Boyan lifted her chin with one hand, and looked at him with a domineering tone revealing firmness.

In the vast world, anyone can die, except Yaoyao!
They have gone through too many catastrophes to finally be together, and now they haven't loved enough, so how can they let her leave.

"Yaoyao, you won't die because I don't allow it!"

Fu Boyan lowered his head, his beautiful face approached Xiao Mengyao, and the cool breath sprayed on her cheeks.

"I won't die because of you."

Her smile bloomed on her face, brighter than the bright moon, more gorgeous than fireworks.

"It's good to know." Fu Boyan then smiled wickedly, brushed the bangs on her forehead, and kissed her lightly.

"Put your heart back in your stomach obediently."

He rubbed Xiao Mengyao's head, treating her like a child, pampering her to the extreme.

The night wind, blowing gently, blew out a moving serenade.

Either her body was too weak, or her heart was too tired, Xiao Mengyao nestled in Fu Boyan's arms and fell into a deep sleep.

Looking at her sleeping face, Fu Boyan's heart ached, no matter what, he would not let her have an accident, even if it cost his life, he would not hesitate.

He only wants her to live!

Ten thousand years ago, he was too late to save her, and at the price of this, he was lonely for ten thousand years.

Now, he will not make the same mistakes again, because he is really afraid of the night without her, afraid of the loneliness and silence.

People are always greedy. Once they get what they want, they will desperately want more, occupy everything, and never let go.

Although he is a living dead, he is still a human being after all, so he also has greed and the most basic human nature.

"Yaoyao, you are my poison, you have also invaded my heart, penetrated into my bones, you can see it for thousands of years, and there is no cure from now on!"

Fu Boyan whispered softly to the sleeping little man.

But she was really in a deep sleep and couldn't hear anything.

The cool night wind carried Fu Boyan's words to a distant place, and finally drifted into the dark night...

(End of this chapter)

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