Chapter 275
Aren't they talking about how to save Xiao Yaoyao? Why does this involve the Wu Clan?

Tang Mo was really dizzy.

"Young patriarch, it's better for you to persuade the ancestors, this method will not work." Gongsun Qianjiong turned his eyes to Tang Mo.

The young patriarch followed his ancestors since he was a child, and his words should be more effective than anyone else in their Wu clan.

Tang Mo scratched his head, his curly hair immediately turned into a 'chicken coop'.

Please, he still doesn't know what to do, how can he persuade the old man to die? !
Besides, he didn't know what happened to the second and the first.

"Third Grandpa, don't you think you should tell me more in detail?" Tang Mo looked at Gongsun Qian.

Gongsun Qian looked at Fu Boyan again, and after turning his gaze away, he shook his head again.

Walking towards Tang Mo, pulled him down to the rest room where the bedroom was, and took him to the door before he was ready to tell Tang Mo everything.

"Young patriarch, you don't want to put the ancestors of our Wu clan in danger because of a woman, do you?" Gongsun Qian stared at Tang Mo and asked him in a low voice.

Tang Mo was caught in a dilemma. He hoped that the old man and Xiao Yaoyao would be well.

"Third Grandpa, tell me quickly, what exactly do you mean by two jobs and one job?"

"Two lives and one life means that the old ancestor and the little girl can only live as one." Gongsun Qian said, his face became more and more ugly.

The next second, Tang Mo was surprised!
Isn't this kind of result to separate them from life to life?Too cruel!
Whether it's Xiao Yaoyao or an old man, such a result is heart-piercing for them.

Of course, it will not be a good thing for the Wu clan.

To the extent that the old man loves Xiao Yaoyao, he will definitely choose to sacrifice himself.

And once something happens to him, the Wu Clan will fry the pot immediately, and it will also cause a lot of trouble for Xiao Yaoyao.

"Third Grandfather, your medical skills are so superb, is there really no other way?" Tang Mo pinned his last hope on Gongsun Qian.

"No!" Gongsun Qian almost blurted out, "The poison in that little girl is too weird, and her body already has poison, because her own poison makes her weaker than ordinary people. It will be absorbed faster than ordinary people. When two poisons meet, they will become a new poison.”

"Then, Xiao Yaoyao's body now has another kind of poison, even if there is an antidote, it's useless?" Tang Mo frowned and interrupted Gongsun Qian to ask.

"The antidote? Her internal organs are all damaged now, and no medicine will work. Unless she uses the secret technique of immortality, she will have to die."

Having said this, Gongsun Qian frowned a lot.

Tang Mo fell silent again.

The secret technique of immortality has long been lost, and even the old immortal who lives by the secret technique of immortality does not know the secret technique of immortality.

In this way, Xiao Yaoyao has only one dead end? !No, there must be other ways, otherwise, where does the idea of ​​two lives and one come from?

"Third Grandfather, since there is no secret technique of immortality, how can the old immortal save Xiao Yaoyao?" Tang Mo asked Gongsun Qian eagerly.

Gongsun Qian sighed deeply, and said quietly, "Blood change, the ancestor has the secret technique of immortality, his blood is different from ordinary people, it can regenerate all cells and spirit. But once the blood is changed, the ancestor must introduce the poisonous blood of that little girl , so even if there is a secret technique of immortality, no one knows what the consequences will be."

What? !so scary? !

Tang Mo couldn't control the muscles at the corners of his mouth, and his mouth instantly became O-shaped.

"Young patriarch, go and persuade the ancestors, that little girl... really isn't worth the money the ancestors put down to save her..."

"No, Third Grandpa, you don't understand, Xiao Yaoyao is his fate, if something happens to Xiao Yaoyao, he will definitely feel worse than death."

As Tang Mo said, his handsome face was also taken over helplessly, God is so cruel to them!
"Young patriarch, compare the comfort of the ancestors with the weak love, you can weigh the importance yourself." Gongsun Qian finally finished speaking, put his hands behind his back, and went out helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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