Chapter 281 Dream (4)

"Hehe, it seems that you are really not afraid, you have a bit of backbone, and you are worthy of being the person next to Murong Qingge!" Shi Linuo seemed to appreciate it.

"I'm not his side!" Xiao Mengyao emphasized again that she has nothing to do with Murong Qingge.

Shi Linuo suddenly smiled, like a flash in the pan, but extremely cold.

"Isn't it? I'll know soon."

After he finished speaking, he jumped off the horse and flew to Xiao Mengyao's side, his free and easy movements were as fast as lightning.

Xiao Mengyao's reaction was half a beat too late, and when she came to her senses, Ma Du Yang Tiao ran a long way.

Looking back, what she saw was that the soldiers behind them rushed forward in unison, broke open the city gate roughly, and then stormed into the northern kingdom unstoppably.

This is the first time she has seen a war, even though she has the psychological quality of a killer, she still can't stand it.

Too bloody, too violent.

Swords danced wildly, limbs and arms were scattered everywhere, and blood trickled, forming rivers of blood.

The northern country she was familiar with before has turned into a hell on earth at this moment.

It turned out that in order to avenge her, Yan actually washed Bei Guo with blood.

Seeing those innocent people who had no power to restrain them die tragically under the sword, her conscience was disturbed.

"Don't kill people, they are innocent..."

She said in a small voice, she was begging for a man.

Shilinuo smiled coldly, watching the fight in front of him blankly, the blood may have been numb to him.

He didn't think that anyone in the North Country was innocent.

Murong Qingge killed Ah Xiang, and he buried A Xiang with a mere Northern Kingdom, which is not cruel at all!
"They are innocent, so isn't Ah Xiang innocent?"

Facing his questioning, Xiao Mengyao was dumbfounded.

She never thought she was innocent, just too stupid. Stupid.

"Then have you ever thought about it, is this what she wants to see?" She asked back, although she has never been a good person, but she really can't bear to see so many innocent people die because of her!
Her words directly pierced Shi Linuo's heart.

Whether Ah Xiang is willing to see all this is not important, revenge for Ah Xiang is his goal...

The bloody fight was still going on. At this moment, the northern kingdom was already piled up with corpses and rivers of blood. It was a mess.

When entering the city, Xiao Mengyao didn't dare to look at everything in front of her, because it was all because of her.

"Woman, you are still scared!" Shi Linuo sneered, this is what Beiguo owes Ah Xiang.

In the northern imperial palace, Murong Qingge was still desperately making the final round with Sirinuo's army.

Now Murong Qingge is besieged on all sides, there is no chance of winning.

Above the main hall, corpses can be seen everywhere, and blood is sticky and flowing.

At the door, Shilinuo came up with a sword.



Steady pace, every sound of footsteps is like a note of death.

Singer Murong Qing held a white jade bone fan, the fan blades were covered with blood, it looked very strange.

Raising his eyes, he stared at Shilinuo, but did not look at other people around him.

Shi Linuo approached step by step, Xiao Mengyao followed behind him.

This was the first time she saw Murong Qingge in such a distressed state.

"For a woman, you destroy my Northern Kingdom, Shilinuo, you are very kind!" Murong Qingge's gloomy voice sounded, still showing a feeling of disdain.

"You killed Ah Xiang, today I can avenge her!" As Shilinuo spoke, his figure moved, and the long sword came out of his body, piercing Murong Qingge's chest in an instant. "Today is your death day!"


Murong Qingge waved his hand suddenly, the white jade bone fan in his hand was spinning in the air, Shilinuo drew his sword and knocked down the fan, and the cold current raged in his eyes.


Another sword pierced into Murong Qingge's chest.

The blood spurted out, forming a blood column.

"Hahaha..." Murong Qingge laughed wildly for some reason, "Shilinuo, I admit that I lost, but I only lost half of the country! But you lost your whole heart!"

(End of this chapter)

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