Chapter 307 She is the authorized person
what's the situation? !Immediately, most people were shocked.

The man from the Black Snake Gang had a feeling of hell, and somehow felt a chill on his back.

In the blink of an eye, Mu Ze kicked the person who was entangled with him, and then turned around beautifully, leaving the danger zone.

However, Mu Ze left, the bullet didn't hit the ground immediately, but turned to the speed of light, piercing the airflow and flying towards the man of the Black Snake Gang.

What the hell, the man's eyes widened, it was even scarier than seeing a ghost.

Mud horse, is there really a ghost! ?

Involuntarily, the man remembered where Angel's Dream was before, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

He wanted to turn around, he wanted to avoid the bullet, but he couldn't move, as if he was imprisoned by a pair of invisible hands.

The man's face turned pale. Is he going to die? !
Seeing that the bullet was about to hit him, the bullet stopped less than one centimeter between his eyebrows.

The man secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but every cell and nerve in his body was still tense.

"Little lady boss, how do we deal with him?" Qinglin had already seen the clue, and asked Xiao Mengyao respectfully.

How to deal with it, he dared to come here to make trouble, damn it!However, if they die here, they will dirty their place.

As a result, the bullet that stopped in the air deflected and brushed past the man's brow, only wounding the man's face, but not his life.

"Get out! If you dare to make trouble again, next time you will be left with your life!" Xiao Mengyao said without expression. At this moment, she was as cold as frost, as proud as a plum blossom, her eyes shone brightly, her red lips squirmed again, with a bitterness, " By the way, let me tell those who pay attention here, if I am here, they should not think about it, otherwise they will die!"

After she finished speaking, everyone present couldn't believe their ears, she was just a woman, where did she get that kind of momentum! ?
Moreover, from the outside, she is of the weak type.

The man from the Black Snake Gang stared at Xiao Mengyao, his eyeballs were about to fall off, and the end of his brow was still bleeding, and he looked a bit hideous.

"Hmph! A woman still wants to stir up troubles and defend this place, dreaming! Today's revenge will be avenged tomorrow!" the man said viciously.

"I'm looking forward to it, next time I promise I'll let you see the King of Hades!" Xiao Mengyao was still expressionless, except for being cold, it was still cold.

Almost freezing others to death.

"Hmph! That depends on your ability!" The man snorted coldly, and squeezed out a word from between his teeth, his pale face was full of gloom.

"I can say it, but I can do it!" Xiao Mengyao said, full of confidence.

"That is, she is our boss's wife. The boss has given it to her here, and she is the authorized person, so her decision represents us!" Qinglin stood up and said, "Of course, the person she wants to get rid of, We will never let him live!"

When Qing Lin said this, the expression of the man from the Black Snake Gang changed again and again.

If what he said is true, it means that Angel Dream has a mastermind, so it will be more difficult to defeat Angel Dream.

No, he must go back and tell the boss the news as soon as possible.

"Don't bother you to talk about it, I will let them know of my existence!" Xiao Mengyao's cold voice reached the man's ear, and the man's face became uglier than eating a fly.

He felt more and more that the woman in front of him was a dangerous and weird figure.

"Hurry up and get out!" Mu Ze, who had been silent for a long time, resounded like thunder with an explosive voice, with a faint taste of anger.

"Wait, you're going to get out of here sooner or later! Let's go!" The man left a sentence viciously and took the people behind him who were beaten by Mu Ze with bruised noses and swollen faces, and hurried away.

This time, the Black Snake Gang was a disastrous defeat, while their Angel Dream was a complete victory.

(End of this chapter)

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