Chapter 312 Half a Coin
Faced with Gao Tianyu's pretense, Qinglin immediately pulled his handsome face down.

If he is an ordinary small bar owner, then what are the other big bosses in K City?
Little white-collar workers, office workers! ?
"You're joking a bit coldly. Does an ordinary small boss need to buy a lot of 'black goods'?" Qinglin stared at Gao Tianyu, still maintaining a professional smile.

"How do you know? That boy Tang Mo is too unkind, he actually leaked the secrets of the guests." Gao Tianyu was neither angry nor smiling, and even lost expression.

"Sorry, I sold you that batch of goods." Qing Lin gave an explanation.

"It turned out to be like this." Gao Tianyu wasn't surprised at all, as if he knew it a long time ago, "I bought that batch of goods for nothing, just to protect the family and protect the home. You also know that it is not easy to do business now... ..."

Gao Tianyu started talking nonsense.

This time, Qinglin also gave him a big white eye.

Ah bah, Boss Gao is still a master of pretending, hehe, why did I only find out today!

Qinglin was speechless to Gao Tianyu.

No, it was completely speechless.

"It's really not easy to do business, that's why we took the liberty to come to you." Xiao Mengyao finally broke her silence and spoke lightly.

"Ask me for help?" Gao Tianyu was surprised, "The new boss of Tangtang Angel Dream actually came to ask me for help? But our business is not in the same order, so I'm afraid there is nothing I can do."

Gao Tianyu looked embarrassed, but he still refused decisively.

He is not stupid, the current angel's dream is the "fat meat" and "little lamb" in the eyes of black and white, he does not want to step into that muddy water.

So, no matter what he is busy with, he will not interfere with Angel's Dream.

"You still don't know what I'm asking you for, so you just refuse?" Xiao Mengyao's expression remained the same, and there was no trace of coldness on her face.

"My big boss, you Angel Dreams are rich and powerful, I'm just a small business, even if I need help, I'll come to you." Gao Tianyu spread his hands, as helpless as he wanted.

It's like he's really just a small bar owner.

"Hehe, what you said is also right." Xiao Mengyao smiled, still indifferently, as if she had no temper at all, and always smiled without anger.

"That's right, so please go back, both of you."

Gao Tianyu made a gesture of seeing off the guests.

Immediately, Qinglin was on fire, and the flames in his eyes were about to burst out, "Gao Tianyu, I made a note of this! Little proprietress, let's go."

"Okay, but before I leave, I have something to give back to him." Xiao Mengyao said, taking out the half coin that Meng Ke had given her, "Its owner once told me that if I get into trouble, I can use it Come to you. Now, it's unnecessary, I'll give it back to you."

She said it was late, put the coin into Gao Tianyu's hand, and then left without looking back.

Qinglin followed closely behind her.

Gao Tianyu was holding half a coin, his eyes were fixed on it, his handsome face was covered by haze.

He actually gave it to a woman!
Heh, it seems that this woman is very important to him?
"What is her relationship with you?" He asked the half coin, as if it was not a coin, but a person.

The waiter behind him couldn't understand the situation. Is the boss really okay?He was actually talking to coins? !My God, the boss must be bewitched, right?

It seemed that he hadn't been normal all day.

"Go and get them back." Gao Tianyu ordered suddenly, but the waiter behind him didn't react because he didn't know who he was talking to.

Is it a person, or a coin?
A few seconds later, there was no movement from the people behind him. Gao Tianyu said again in a good-tempered manner, "Go and get them back immediately. If they leave, you can roll the quilt up for me tomorrow. Damn!"

Suddenly, the waiter realized that the boss was talking to him just now!

(End of this chapter)

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