Chapter 318 That night, it was you
She's having a bad time, doesn't he know?

"I'm doing well, please forget about it." She had no expression, and her words were cold and blunt.

Lu Zixuan approached her step by step, the smile on his handsome face was infinitely magnified, he stretched out his hand unconsciously, wanting to touch her for no reason?

"Grab her, pull her into your arms, hold her, she belongs to you..." A voice from his heart told him repeatedly.

Lu Zixuan stopped abruptly. He was standing in front of her right now. They were so close that they could be misunderstood.

Xiao Mengyao stared at him vigilantly, and slowly stepped back.

However, if she takes a step back, he will follow.

"Yaoyao, don't run away, I just want to take a good look at you." He opened his mouth, spraying his warm breath on her cheeks.

bad feeling.

Just kidding, if he wants to see her, she must let him see!
Of course not, because she is no longer that soft and submissive Xiao Mengyao.

Stopped, stretched out his hand to push the man away, "If you have nothing to say, you can go!"

"Indeed, I have nothing to say, but I don't want to leave either." Lu Zixuan suddenly grabbed her hand, pulled her lightly, and she fell into his arms, "Are you afraid of me?"

He asked, lowered his head, and leaned closer to her, his beautiful face was infinitely magnified in front of Xiao Mengyao.

She panicked a little, but calmed down quickly.

"Why should I be afraid of you!" She turned her head stubbornly, not looking at him, trying to push him away with her hands.

"You're not afraid of me, what are you doing hiding from me? I just want to hug you, and I won't do anything to you." He sneered, a little jokingly, with a glint of joy in his eyes.

"To be honest, I still like you in the past. You are so cute, cute and obedient. You are loved by new students and want to protect you." He said again, and his sneer deepened.

Once upon a time, he really wanted to protect her and love her for the rest of his life, but unfortunately, she chose Fu Boyan instead of him!

Therefore, everything she has suffered today is more or less self-inflicted.

"The me now, isn't you who created me!" She suddenly stopped her hand movements, turned her head, stared into his eyes, and said coldly, "That night, it was you!"

They knew exactly what she was referring to.

Lu Zixuan nodded and admitted frankly, "It was indeed me, but speaking of that night, I was the one who saved you."

He thought he was right, if he hadn't made a plan, maybe she would have died in Su Xiaoli's hands.

"help me!?"

Xiao Mengyao wanted to laugh, was that saving her?Thanks to what he said.

"Kill me in the name of saving me, Lu Zixuan, you have taken shamelessness to a new level!"

"I never thought of killing you, aren't you still alive?" He said, with his hands clenched, Xiao Mengyao clung to his body.

Airtight and intimate.

Finally, Xiao Mengyao once again saw his brazenness and shamelessness.

"If it wasn't for him, I would have died a long time ago!" When mentioning him, her heart hurt like being stabbed by a knife, and the hot blood was dripping out. "Your plot has succeeded, but I won't let it come true."

Suddenly, Lu Zixuan felt a cold threat on his neck.

"Very well, I am really looking forward to how you will fight with me, Yaoyao, I am optimistic about you, but don't let their sacrifices go to waste."

What Lu Zixuan said reminded Xiao Mengyao of Meng Ke.

"Tell me, where did you get Meng Ke's body!" She asked in a low voice, and Duan Hun on her hand touched his skin. With just a little force, Duan Hun would easily end his life.

Of course, Lu Zixuan didn't care about the threat on his neck at all, "He... was thinking about my brother, I didn't do anything to him, he is fine now."

(End of this chapter)

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