Chapter 323 Night Attack
Only Kizawa on one side did not respond.

He didn't know Tang Mo very well, so he couldn't integrate into their formation. To some extent, he was still an outsider...

Everything seemed to be getting better in disguise after Tang Mo came back.

A commercial storm seems to be coming to an end, but Angel Dream's every move is still the focus of both black and white.

They understand that a head-on confrontation with Angel Dream now will only hurt both sides. Although Angel Dream does not have Fu Boyan, there is still a new boss in charge, and Boss Gao is also looking towards Angel Dream.

In this way, it is difficult to defeat the angel's dream.

Therefore, a smart person will rationally choose to wait, wait for the best opportunity, wait for someone to test the water first, and then everyone will push the wall down...

Two consecutive weeks passed, and the haze that shrouded the angel's dream gradually dissipated.

Angel Dream began to open its doors for business, and the popularity of the business has not decreased but increased.

During this period of time, Lu Zixuan seemed to have disappeared, and the Black Snake Gang disappeared along with him.

They really wanted to disappear from the world. Tang Mo kept looking for it, but couldn't find it.

Tang Mo understands that, compared to those who are both black and white who are eyeing the angel's dream, it is Lu Zixuan that they should be most wary of.

Because of Lu Zixuan's means, they are obvious to all.

He didn't want what happened last time to happen again.

In the afternoon, Tang Mo decided to talk to Xiao Mengyao.

Now that Angel Dream's situation is basically stable, he hopes that she will go back to live in Sakura Villa.After all, the place is small and there is an army of robots, so her protection will be more comprehensive.

"Xiao Yaoyao, let's go back to Sakura Villa in a while." Tang Mo cut straight to the point when he came.

Xiao Mengyao closed the book in her hand and asked, "Why?"

She feels that living here is okay, there is nothing wrong with it.

"This place is too big to attract attention." Tang Mo's answer was simple and clear.

"But I'm not afraid."

"But I'm afraid, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you well, I'm afraid I'll fail his trust." Tang Mo said, his eyes fixed on her.

"Okay, I'll clean it up." Xiao Mengyao agreed, which surprised Tang Mo.

Soon, Xiao Mengyao came out with only a white box.

Tang Mo knew what was in the white box.

There's nothing wrong with carrying it, at least it can protect her in times of crisis.

Before leaving Angel's Dream, Tang Mo and Qing Lin murmured for a while before they parted.

Outside, the sun has disappeared, and a Ferrari is parked at the entrance of Angel Dream, because Katie wants to stay and be the "secret guard" of Angel Dream, so he will not do errand work in the future.

Get in the car, Tang Mo drives the car himself.

With dim street lights, the car drove slowly, crossing the asphalt road, then a block, and finally a small road in the suburbs.

For some reason, Tang Mo always felt uneasy. This road was strangely quiet tonight.

Although this is a suburb, it is connected to the block in front of it anyway, and there is no traffic on the road at the moment.

Is it a bit weird?
The person sitting in the passenger seat also felt something was wrong, because she could smell the faint murderous aura in the air.

"For a while, be careful." She reminded.

"I will." Tang Mo nodded and smiled calmly.

Two minutes later, the car came to a big turn.

After a sharp turn, several ordinary cars ahead blocked the road.

Someone is really playing tricks, and it looks like they want to launch a night attack, ouch, they also took great pains!
Tang Mo blinked, stepped on the brakes, and stopped two meters away from the row of cars.

"Xiao Yaoyao, they should have come prepared, stay in the car for a while and don't go out, you know!" Tang Mo said to her seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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