Chapter 325

A pair of pale and cold hands and claws that came quietly, almost caught his handsome face that was so handsome.

At a distance of [-]mm, Tang Mo dodged quickly, avoiding the claws of those hands.

Emma, ​​the baby is scared to death.

Tang Mo patted his chest to comfort his frightened little heart.

On Xiao Mengyao's side, the ferocity is indescribable. Anyone who approaches her will be killed by Duanhun.

But she is very strange, these people are not only pitiful with little blood, but also black, can pull out silk, and have a rotten smell.

Like someone who's been dead for a long time.

"Xiao Yaoyao, you are so handsome." Tang Mo dealt with a group of people from a distance, and ran towards Xiao Mengyao.

"Hehe, you're not bad." Looking at each other, she actually praised Tang Mo.

"Naturally, brother, I am also a patriarch after all." Tang Mo immediately raised his tail, proud of himself.


Xiao Mengyao added a black line speechlessly.

After a few seconds, she got back to the topic.

"Do you feel that these people are weird?"

"You found out too." Tang Mo stopped joking and immediately became serious.

"I feel that they are not like human beings. It is more appropriate to say that they are dead bodies."

If it was a living person, then their blood could not be so viscous, and it also had a rotten stench.

In this way, the only explanation is that they are all dead, walking corpses, or puppets.

What she said surprised Tang Mo.

Are there really walking dead people in the world?Isn't that a zombie or a zombie?

Hiss, Tang Mo suddenly felt eerie.

"It's disgusting, you'd better go back to the car, let me take care of it here." Tang Mo looked at her, and tried to persuade her to go to a safe place again.

"If I don't go back, you won't be able to deal with them..." Xiao Mengyao said, looking ahead, there were many other 'monsters' appearing again.

"Why are you so disobedient? These people are so dangerous. If they are carrying some virus or something, how dangerous is that? Don't forget, you still have a little life in your stomach!" Helpless, Tang Mo had no choice but to make the little baby a 'chip'.

"They don't have viruses. Generally, puppets are controlled by some kind of magic." Xiao Mengyao said calmly. In her memory, she still knew a little about puppets, because she had seen puppets at Murong Qingge's place in her previous life.

Tang Mo was stunned. How did she know so much?
He really wanted to ask, has Xiao Yaoyao been transferred?
But perception told him, no.

"Then... what should we do now?" Tang Mo asked her calmly.

It's inexplicable, I always feel that she knows a lot, more than him.

Xiao Mengyao thought for a while calmly, and only said one word, "Kill!"


Tang Mo couldn't help but roll his eyes, so many puppets, just the two of them, can they kill them all?
Xiao Yaoyao, are you sure you're not joking?

Tang Mo opened and closed his mouth, wanting to say something, but didn't know what to say.

Well, kill as soon as you kill, fortunately, just in case, he brought some new 'babies' from old G.

I just don't know if it works well on dead bodies.

"Xiao Yaoyao, I'm going to get some things in the car." Tang Mo said, "咻", only to see the shadow flash and then disappear.

Soon he returned to his original position, holding a black square box in his hand, with a mysterious look on his face.

"What is this?" Xiao Mengyao glanced at the box and asked.

"Good stuff." Tang Mo didn't say much, and played tricks on her.

In just a few minutes, the number of puppets on the road more than doubled.

"I'll go, there are so many, it seems that there are not enough things in my box..." Tang Mo frowned, damn it, there are only a hundred things in the box, and one can't be wasted, but the number of puppets piled up on the opposite side is far more than one Hundred.

(End of this chapter)

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