Chapter 336 A Prolonged Contest

Outside the angel's dream, there are almost puppets getting together, but they are basically incomplete.

As soon as they came, the first thing they saw was Kai Di and Mo Mo's figures.

Thankfully, there are still them here.

Xiao Mengyao's nerves relaxed slightly.

Seeing them come back in good condition, Qing Lin's hanging heart also dropped a lot.

Thank goodness, the little proprietress is safe and sound.

On the other side, when Mu Ze saw Xiao Mengyao, a look of surprise appeared on his face for a moment...

"Are you all right?" Xiao Mengyao came over and asked.

Qinglin shook his head, and asked back, "Miss Boss, are you all okay?"

At that time, he received a message from Tang Mo, saying that he was besieged by a large number of puppets. He was very worried at the time, but he was powerless, so he had to ask Boss Gao for help.

"It's okay, as long as everyone is okay." Xiao Mengyao still looked peaceful...

As the night passed, the puppets outside Angel's Dream were also 'cleaned' by Momo and Kaidi, leaving nothing behind.

They also didn't cause much damage to the Angel's Dream. It is expected that their purpose should be to hold Qing Lin back and prevent him from going to rescue.

The next day, Angel Dream opened its doors for business as usual. For what happened last night, the pages of the book have been turned, and those who haven't read it will never know.

After the storm, there will always be a short period of peace, but Xiao Mengyao is very clear that Lu Zixuan wants to have a long-term contest with her.

So, you have to be more careful in everything in the future.

Moreover, he still has Murong Qingge's soul in his body, and she still has some affection for the puppet Murong Qingge made.

Xiao Mengyao was mentally planning how to deal with Lu Zixuan and Murong Qingge, and she couldn't help thinking of the 'needle' from last night.

Those things are very powerful, they can melt puppets in just a few minutes, if they are used to deal with the puppets made by Murong Qingge, the effect will definitely not be bad.

Thinking about it, she decided to consult with Tang Mo...

In the living room, Tang Mo was having a video call with someone.

"Tang Tang, how are you doing? Are you satisfied with my things?" An unshaven American old man asked Tang Mo with a smile.

Tang Mo slammed his mouth, the things are so expensive, he can't be dissatisfied.

"It would be even better if you could give me a discount." Tang Mo looked like a thief, staring at the video window with bright eyes.

"It's okay if you want a discount, as long as you give me the process of making it, I'll give you a basket for free." Old G blinked, this condition is tempting enough.

However, Tang Mo didn't think so, just a little bit of strong 'sulfuric acid needle' and micro bombs, just want to change his high-precision humanoid production process? !

Ah bah, he thinks it's beautiful.

"Forget it then, I don't want it anymore." Tang Mo waved his hand.

"You stop thinking about it?"

"No need."

"I'm giving you something else?"

"It's no use."


The two bargained for a long time, and finally Tang Mo was really annoyed.

"I still have something to do, let's talk about it another day, bye!" Tang Mo waved his hand again and closed the notebook with a "snap".

Why didn't I find old G so annoying and thieves before, but fortunately he could stand the temptation.

Tang Mo laughed at himself, hehe.

"What good thing makes you so happy?" Xiao Mengyao looked at Tang Mo who was a little silly.

Suddenly, Tang Mo's smirk froze on his face, he was out of embarrassment.

"It's's nothing..." He waved his hand, and changed into a handsome smile, with particularly dazzling white teeth.

"Do you still have this thing?" Xiao Mengyao didn't ask any more questions, and directly took out a transparent 'needle' and handed it to Tang Mo.

Tang Mo took it with a little hesitation in his eyes.

It seems that he is really gone, it seems that he was used up last night.

But, there will be some soon, and it will be super many, and the power will be doubled.

"Yes, give me three days, and there will be a lot." Tang Mo is full of confidence, as long as he has samples, he can make a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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