Aura Compilation Manual

Chapter 1 Prologue 28 Days Determine Fate

Chapter 1 Prologue 28 Days Determine Fate (1)
(Law Ryan, head of the Burson PR Training Center in New York)

In the first few years, Paul worked to make people understand the importance of "personal aura" in the management of relationships and its influence on the team.Compared with technical public relations methods, it seems more indispensable to us to enhance our inner aura and bravely face the troubles of life.It is true that how to find the aura is always difficult for some people, but Paul explained it in a very detailed and vivid way.He can always make people smile knowingly in his training sessions, so as to boost their confidence, find the right breakthrough to solve spiritual problems, and radiate vitality from the inside out.

Later, we set up the first training center in New York that truly integrated the concept of aura into public relations courses, and began to provide people with professional aura-enhancing course services.As of today, the results of Paul's efforts have spread all over the United States and Western Europe, with the enthusiastic participation of more than 200 corporate customers and hundreds of thousands of senior managers around the world.Among them, there are many senior leaders of the world's top 500 companies and leaders of outstanding potential companies.

People will always ask me what aura can do. People are used to measuring everything with utilitarian indicators. It seems that all labor without profit is meaningless.For example, people are calculating every day: How much money have I made, how many properties have been invested in Hawaii, how many new business cards have been received, how many calls can I receive every day to invite people to dinner and discuss cooperation... They are eager to get the first time Seeing the benefits of doing one thing, it seems that even breathing should be included in the profitable life system. If breathing cannot help him bring monetary returns, it seems that he should stop.The world is becoming more and more utilitarian, which is why people gradually become "unattractive" and "lose charisma".

So, from the time Paul and I started our work in New York until now, there has been a constant stream of bewildered questions and sidelined scrutiny.

"Paul, are you going to take a psychological counseling agency public?"

"Ryan, as long as I understand what the aura is and improve it, can I become a millionaire?"

"I hope the whole world can buy my products, Mr. Paul, can you help me realize? Just like Jordan's sneakers and Marbury's sweatshirts, their personal aura has successfully transformed into commercial value, I can do it too, and it's even better! Isn't it? Please design a Cotai Strip for me!"

Look, it seems that only such a popular way of asking can put the most contagious exclamation mark on their questions.Many people pay attention to how many strings of numbers can be added to their accounts by improving their aura. The aura can be transformed into a few zeros of wealth and how many visible business opportunities, rather than really improving their weak inner world, and bid farewell to the belief Lost and misplaced future.

Last year, in a spring lecture at the University of Tokyo, Paul reemphasized that his course hoped and was living up to its worth: “Shouldn’t we say goodbye to the often involuntary nightmare that seems to be born all the days Arranged for others, manipulated by others, we never have the opportunity to discover our true inner selves and allow the world to truly blossom around our inner gravity. Few of us do it, but we do!"

Abundance of money does not bring people a satisfactory life, at least it does not help a person realize his unprecedented sense of being.When you have nothing but cold wealth, you will find yourself the loneliest person in the world.If you can't provide warm spiritual value, lack a strong charisma and charisma from the inside out, no one will care what your last name is and what you say.

For many years, Mr. Huo Zin, a well-known financial wizard on Wall Street, has been lost in such a suffocating rhythm of life-this is a common phenomenon. A small boat of romanticism is swept into the violent and deep sea. I will no longer be in the mood to discuss the beautiful place I want to sail to.Unfortunately, in reality, too many people do not realize that they are in such a barren state.When Huo Jin woke up suddenly one day, he found that he was already weak and unable to find a place in the world outside the door.Until he met Paul and joined our charismatic training center, he struggled to reshape his aura, explore and change his own inner world.

Huo Zin's story is a typical example of a senior investment banker dancing the dance of money and losing his inner color in the financial game.An instrumental person, just as you or someone else is becoming.He is like a glamorous commercial company with an extremely sensitive perception of money and excellent capital operation skills.People gave him the nickname "Stock Rat" and considered him the second Peter Lynch, full of praise or irony for his distinguished trading history.

Judging from the cold data, Huo Jin is a top-notch success.He is an executive of a well-known Wall Street investment bank, with an annual salary of 200 million US dollars, company equity, huge dividends and countless gray income.I own two seaside villas on the west coast of the United States. I take a vacation to Southeast Asia once a year to enjoy the beach scenery of Brunei and swim in the shallow sea of ​​Singapore.

But here is the problem, he has lost far more than he has gained.

Huo Jin said: "Money runs in an orderly manner like flowing water. I will never waste a penny here, but I have never felt the taste of success. Is this a happy life? Why can't I realize the imaginary Happiness in life? Every time I start a day’s work, I can’t find my own shadow. I’m more like an investment machine without emotion, tapping the keyboard according to the ruthless investment rules, outputting or recovering funds, buying Sell ​​stocks that are just electronic symbols."

What made him especially painful was the emotional failure. The 39-year-old Huo Jin has yet to meet a bosom partner who is willing to walk into the church hand in hand with him.Including his college career in Florida, USA, he couldn't count how many attractive girlfriends he had, and how many social gatherings he attended.He even played a newly popular emotional game in New York, which is a contractual mode of heterosexual communication: all men and women who are selected for a marriage test must have a serious relationship for a month like real lovers, except They will not be forced to live together, eat at least one lover’s candlelight dinner every day, and date together for half an hour or even longer, as if two stones are being glued together with strong force.

Even so, the girls he hooked up with would break their contract and say goodbye on the third day or the first weekend.

"Am I a nasty devil? Why am I so unattractive?"

"I must have some kind of scary virus."

Huo Jin fell into an unprecedented inferiority complex, but obviously he didn't have to.He has a good impression in the minds of insiders.As a typical good guy in Eastern America, he is honest and trustworthy, abides by industry ethics, and manages and takes care of customers' money like a gentleman.But when he walked out of that specific occasion and walked from one world to another, his aura was obviously full of regrets immediately, as if a layer of skin had been peeled off, and he immediately had an allergic reaction. It seemed that this 005 under the blue sky and white clouds was full of The dynamic world was not for him, and even a tiny air molecule would stare unfriendly at him and ask him to take a few steps back.He can only realize his own value on a fixed stage, but a colorful life requires him to release more of his heart and prove that he is great in many fields instead of relying solely on his career.

He can't meet the basic requirements of life, family, love, and friendship, which are far away from him.How many such lonely people are there around us?He has a successful career, a lot of money in his pocket, and is a leader in the business world, but he has no home for his soul. He can only wait for a compassionate savior to enlighten him and give him infinite comfort and love.Mr. Huo Jin, who is struggling through the two worlds, is just one of the most representative ones.

Want to hear what Hozin's last official girlfriend had to say about him?The memory of her helplessness is like a "nightmare".

"He is like a piece of ice, even though his heart is burning with fire, he still unconsciously rejects people thousands of miles away; his whole body is full of money, and there is no trace of masculinity that makes people feel close; he talks about life Always very dull, only when talking about investment, his eyes light up and talk endlessly. Being with him is boring, because you will find yourself redundant, and you can only accompany him to enjoy his performance-always to You emphasized how sophisticated his investment program is, including where to eat a meal is the most cost-effective."

Maybe that's not such a bad style, for most people, it's normal.But this is so far from our highest demands in life.Just like no one expects you to be a saint, and you don't indulge yourself just because of that.

At our institution, a determined Hozin underwent a 28-day remake.He hopes that he can have a better life and get the other side of life.Then he affirmed that he was reborn, that his soul was given vital nourishment, that he came to know and find the best way to express himself.

Soon after, Huo Zing returned to Washington to express his gratitude to Paul. He said: "Only after experiencing it personally, I realized that the aura is so magical. Thank you for giving me the strength. I think I have found a job." meaning, and the life I should pursue."

In fact, his own thinking change is the key, no power is stronger than his own heart.We just helped him gain a better perspective of self-examination and thinking about life, and helped him find the spiritual treasure buried deep in his heart, so that his inner charm can be fully released.

According to Paul's aura theory, we have established three principles for him to adjust his aura after learning about his specific life:
1. Bravely make changes in the environment: Get rid of the instrumental aura environment and life style.

(End of this chapter)

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