Aura Compilation Manual

Chapter 19 Part3 The core of the aura: emotional intelligence determines the pattern

Chapter 19 Part3 The core of the aura: emotional intelligence determines the pattern (7)
Before going to bed every day, I suggest you take a look at your plan schedule, tick the ones that have been completed well, draw a circle for general ones, and put a question mark on those that have not been completed due to special reasons.This is a positive psychological hint, telling yourself that you need to think about the reason, and make up for it in time tomorrow.In this way, you may delay some time, but you must not miss the whole plan.

Mistakes are always so slowly reduced.When we screw things up because of some mistakes, the best punishment is to start making more detailed and scientific plans.Once you develop a good habit, if you delay your plan, you will not be able to eat well or sleep soundly. At this time, you will not be far away from having a shrewd and capable aura.

◎Never let down

Indifference to anything is the most dangerous state, and it is more harmful than enthusiasm, because it means that you lose interest in all positive things.When material temptations such as money, real estate, and stocks can't move you, then you should consider giving yourself a spiritual revolution, otherwise the huge inertia formed by the indifferent aura will make you waste ten years of time in vain.

In this regard, my method may surprise you, because you will find that this is nothing unusual at all, it is common sense of life that everyone knows, isn't it?However, our greatest tragedy is precisely that we never pay attention to common sense and only pay attention to things that have no value.

★Please make sure to go to sleep before 11 o'clock every night.

About the disadvantages of going to bed after 11 o'clock, almost every American over the age of 18 is well aware of it, and the Chinese are of course also aware of it, but more than 70% of these people who shout the spirit of science will be in the past. I climbed into bed after midnight.Before that, their nightlife was extremely rich, and they would only consider closing their eyelids and having a not-so-exciting little dream after releasing all their energy.This is a terrifying state of self-destruction of potential energy. Please follow my advice, whether you want to sleep or not at the time, lie down on the bed when the time comes.Please do not drink coffee or tea before going to bed, and do not eat too much. Sometimes our stomach is under great pressure, which will greatly affect the quality of sleep at night.It is best to drink a glass of milk before going to bed to ensure the health of the body.This is extremely important to us, because it is your spiritual source for the next day, and it can provide you with the greatest motivation to keep your aura alive, so as not to overdraw your body's potential.

★Please get up before 7 o'clock, no matter whether there are important things on this day.

It is especially important that after getting up and washing in the morning, you should smile energetically in the mirror, because sometimes fatigue is just a negative psychological behavior.Our bodies aren't tired, they're scrappy and want to do something great, but the inner laziness takes over and makes your whole body show a loose and slack aura.

This kind of active adjustment is beneficial to stimulate our positive psychological hint: I am very happy today, I must be very happy, I want to live actively and be interested in all good things.Then drink a glass of water.Don't stay indoors after getting ready, it's better to go for a run in a place with fresh air and breathe fresh air.If you are still a student, you can read books outside.If you are a salesperson or a busy employee, please have breakfast first, and then set off energetically to start a new day full of energy.

★It is best to take a nap between 12:13 and [-]:[-] noon.

People are more tired at noon. To be precise, this is the adjustment period of the aura in the day.Falling asleep should be easy if you want to or if it's part of the plan.But the lunch break should never exceed an hour, otherwise your entire afternoon will be wasted.Even if you don't want to wake up at the time, force yourself to wake up quickly, wash your face with cold water, and start working or studying in the afternoon.Believe in this popular experience, it only takes one hour, and your vitality has been replenished, your aura is as full as in the morning, and your energy has regained full marks.

I used to have this kind of problem when I was in New York. I had habitual insomnia every night. I usually didn’t go to sleep until 4:7 in the morning, but I woke up before [-]:[-]. Very tired and lack energy to do things.I often think, is there any disease in the body?But no.I was very distressed, because during that time, I couldn't get up from anything, as if all the important work had nothing to do with me.Other people's smiles, pain, and friends who come and go are just like passing through the window, and have nothing to do with me.

Later, I set a strict work and rest schedule for myself, and I just insisted on it for a while without any reason.You have to know that when we adjust our aura, no matter what plan we have, it is difficult to stick to it at the beginning, and we need a strong will, and we must not allow our inner laziness to gain the upper hand.Especially for many sleepyheads and night owls - and of course people who have long been used to working at night and hiding during the day, I think their aura decays the fastest on the planet.

★Energy supplementation is always important.

The daily diet must be well-coordinated. Eating does not have to be troublesome, but at least it must be regular.For example, you must eat breakfast in the morning (please try to be light and not greasy), lunch at noon (eating should be nutritious, with a balanced mix of meat and vegetables), and dinner in the afternoon (but not too full ).Every meal is indispensable, and no matter how urgent the work is, the importance of eating cannot be surpassed.Only sufficient energy can ensure that our vitality will not be damaged and our aura will not be overdrawn.But after 9 o'clock in the evening, please don't eat anymore, because it is a kind of torture for our stomach.A person who wakes up at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, he didn't even eat breakfast and lunch, and he didn't get bathed in the morning sun. His aura was like a gray balloon. Before he adjusted his state, it was already dark. Have enough energy to pay attention to things that require concentration?

If you want to be energetic every day, you must ensure good sleep, a reasonable diet and moderate exercise.Also, I hope that everyone will learn to keep themselves busy scientifically and regularly. If you think "I really have nothing to do every day", then you may really have nothing to do, and you will involuntarily slack off and relax. Listless.

◎Beware of the "slogan trap"

How many things do you have only plans but no actions?
Fancy slogans will eventually consume part of a person's talent, or even his entire life.There is nothing surprising about this. The most frightening thing about a person's aura is that this person has only slogans, but no actions, only plans, but no implementation.It was always an empty thought in him, as loud as the Space Shuttle Challenger, but eventually it fell.

Takai, a guy from Nomura Securities, told me his story.As a passionate securities practitioner, Jing Yi stepped into this industry full of ideals.It is a well-known fact that he was excellent in college; he has a good reputation among neighbors and is a good son his mother can boast about; he also has a good impression on customers because he is always full of inspiration and can provide many An eye-catching solution.

But half a year later, Jing Yi was fired and his image plummeted.There is only one reason. He is too good at "ideal performance". He has drawn countless beautiful blueprints, but has not implemented them into concrete and visible actions and strategies.Clients were attracted by his wonderful prospects and invested a lot of money here, but in the end they lost a lot of money with him, like falling into a black hole that they could only enter and not exit.The person in charge of Nomura Securities couldn't bear it anymore and ruthlessly drove him out.

Then he came to New York to seek new opportunities in life.He wants to change, so he came here after hearing about our training, determined to re-analyze his aura and get a complete new life here.

The trap of only slogans without real actions is extremely harmful.I said to Jing Yi: "You are very annoyed and regretful now, and want to kill yourself, but it is useless, it has no effect at all, what you need is to cheer up. Action and sadness are eternal enemies. Muscle tension, fingers clenched , jumping with both legs, it doesn't work, your mind is full of the work at hand right now, isn't it? So you should not feel sorry for yourself and regret. Only action is the best painkiller for any wound .”

If you don't have a long-term plan, you are a part of someone else's plan; but if you don't take action, you can only be an inconspicuous dot on a wonderful plan.

Believe it, no one will step in and take the initiative to help you realize your dreams. If you don't take action, no matter how good the plan is, it will be just a dream.I told Mr. Jing Yi that he had to cheer up against the shocks that had worn him down, get rid of his past bad habits, and get rid of his consistent bad habits.All in all, he needs to act decisively, even if he will take some risks, but it is better than being a greenhouse child in the eyes of his mother.

"Jing Yi, you'd better laugh at other people's doubts and move forward. If you only pursue a comfortable life instead of a job from now on, and want to escape the disgraceful record of the past, then you will lose more. Immediately Get yourself busy!"

Three steps to break out of the slogan trap:
★ Remove unnecessary programs.

Think about what plans are unnecessary spam?We make many plans every day, dreams are as many as tourists on the square in New York, full of brains and hearts, but very few of them are really feasible.Ideas are generated randomly by the subconscious mind, and then the brain forms an ambiguous blueprint, which we feel needs to be realized and takes up a considerable amount of energy.So, the first step in getting rid of the "useless slogan" is to pick out those empty plans that are unnecessary and kick them out of your head to make room for really useful blueprints.

★ Reasonability of repositioning the target.

Find out why you are not taking action.Many goals are unattainable because we cannot find the rationale for its achievability, such as, am I really ready?Have I done my market research well?How much does it cost me, and how much return can it bring?What else do I need to do for this program?What are its short-term returns and long-term gains?All this homework forms the rationale for the plan.The problem with Jing Yi is that in order to increase his client resources, he blindly promised a bright future that has not been verified by rationality. Only when I tried my best did I realize that what lies before me is an impossible task!This is the main reason why he fell into the slogan trap.

★Monitor the progress and make progress every day.

When the plan is established, a strict supervision system is established for its implementation.Even if it is a small plan, you must set your own progress and check it regularly.Because a loose aura is usually difficult to control, a person like Jing Yi who likes to talk big words should add a certain amount of compulsion to himself, otherwise even if he realizes his problem, he will inevitably fall into the trap again in his future work. A vicious circle that is hard to break out of.

Preventing Harm to Your Target: Telling Yourself You've Been Successful

When the goals you set for yourself are too many and too high to be achieved, you will definitely have a strong psychological gap and feel that you are a failure.Please note that more than 80% of people in this world always experience a sense of failure, because our desires are too much, and the opportunities provided by this planet are too few.Therefore, the goal usually hurts its setter in turn, telling him that not everything can follow his mind, and he can do whatever he wants.

Don't people in reality need contentment?I often tell people who have suffered greatly from dissatisfaction: "Unchecked ambition is harmful to others, sir, and the reason you look like this is because you don't know how to look down at your feet."

When you really can't climb to the top of the mountain, look back at the scenery at the foot of the mountain, and you will find that you have succeeded, because the foot of the mountain is filled with more people who dare not even take the first step.

Please remember: Greedy people are always hungry.

"When I got a million dollars, I wanted to get 100 million, 1000 million. So when I failed, I felt humiliated. I didn't always experience success, even when I made my first pot of money."

This is the emotion of Lynch, the president of Bamber Company. Now he is much more pragmatic, remembering that he always sighed long ago.When Lynch's company was first established, his dream was to be the largest toy representative in the United States.

As a management company, he traveled ambitiously between Asia and North America to investigate market conditions and manage purchase channels.But in the end he found that without sufficient financial strength and good luck, it was too difficult to do this, it was as difficult as inviting God to play chess with him at home.

Lynch couldn't accept his failure at the beginning. He didn't make any profit for six consecutive months and could only maintain the normal operating level.The high welfare of the company's employees also made him overwhelmed. He once wanted to close the business and return to his hometown in San Francisco to continue to be his toy designer, designing cartoon images for Chinese and Japanese toy companies.As a client of the training organization, I visited him, but I found that the situation was not as bad as he said on the phone.First of all, his company did not go bankrupt. Although it did not make a profit, it did not make any losses. Everything was running well. There was a steady stream of toys from Asia, and he also occupied a certain market. This is a very good opportunity. Second, compared to Lynch, the major toy distributors in the United States are in a very bad situation. Companies operating in debt abound, and large companies that can declare bankruptcy at any time can be seen everywhere like wild birds on the roadside.

"Then Lynch, what are you not satisfied with? I searched the world for you, but I couldn't find any company that became the number one in the US industry within half a year. Why must it be you?"

Lynch's expression softened, and he nodded reluctantly.In fact, it's not that he doesn't understand, but that he needs someone to help him resolve his inner emotions.Lynch, who knows how to enjoy the present, gave up the idea of ​​escaping from reality. He continued to manage his own company. Even if he didn't make any money, he decided to let Bamber continue to exist.Now, his company is finally making a profit. Although he is still far away from the goal of being the first in the United States, he has been operating his business with joy and enjoyment.

A greedy person, his aura expands like the solar wind, trying to sweep everything, only to burn himself in the end.Therefore, when we complain and dislike that the goals we set cannot be achieved every day, we must lower our heads to adjust our minds and let the excessive ambitions released be properly restrained.Otherwise, you will never experience the thrill of success!
(End of this chapter)

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