Hell Girl Shura: The King Is Amazing

Chapter 11 The Death of a Beautiful Girl [2]

Chapter 11 The Death of a Beautiful Girl [2]

"Go and see where the two young masters are. If they are still sleeping late, tell them! You don't need to eat today!" Nanny Liu was a little angry.For these little maids, Nanny Liu still has a majestic presence.After all, she is the celebrity around Concubine Liu Gui.

These days, who is not a dog who is bullying and bullying others?

"Yes." The little maid bowed and left.

However, until all the beautiful girls had finished their breakfast, the two court ladies hadn't come back to report the whereabouts of the two beautiful girls.Not to mention bringing those two show girls over.

Grandma Liu hurriedly ordered two young eunuchs to take a look.

This time, not long after, a young eunuch came back panting, but his face was not very good-looking.

"What's the matter?" Mother Liu asked.

"Back...back to Mother Liu, my lord, she...she..." The little eunuch hesitated, and hesitated for a long time without saying where Xiu Nu was going.

Nanny Liu was annoyed, "What happened to her!".

The little eunuch swallowed, "Nurse, you... you better go and have a look by yourself!" The little eunuch said and pointed to the direction he came from just now.

Nanny Liu gave the little eunuch a displeased look, "If you are suspicious, hurry up and lead the way!"

The little eunuch was busy leading the way, and some curious girls also followed Madam Liu, leaving only a few people still in the courtyard. 'Shangguan Dieer' sat in front of the stone tables and chairs in the courtyard.As for what happened, she wasn't interested.

However, what she can be sure of is that those two show girls must have died miserably!
This is the fate of offending her!Although she didn't do it, and she didn't order Xue'er, but she knew that if she provoked her, Xue'er would deal with it very well without ordering.

Nanny Liu led some beautiful girls and followed the little eunuch to a dry well.A little maid passed out by the dry well, it was one of the two maids ordered by Nanny Liu during breakfast.

Nanny Liu frowned in confusion, "What did you bring me here for? Why did this court lady pass out here?"

With a pale face, the little eunuch turned his head away, and pointed to the dry well, "You... just take a look... and you will know.".

Seeing what the little eunuch said, Mother Liu stepped forward and poked her head into the dry well, but she saw nothing, only pitch black.

At the same time, a show girl suddenly screamed, "Ah—"

Such a cry would undoubtedly scare everyone.

"What's the fuss, early in the morning, a beautiful girl should look like a beautiful girl, how decent is it to make such a fuss!" Liu Nanny shouted displeased.

"No, Mammy, look over there..." The beautiful girl turned pale with fright, and pointed at what she saw with trembling fingers.

Everyone looked in the direction that the beautiful girl was pointing at, and when they saw it clearly, their eyes widened and they screamed.

Only Nanny Liu didn't scream, but she was so frightened that her pupils dilated in an instant. Even though she had been scrambling in the palace for so many years, what kind of storms and waves had she never seen?

But now...

It's horrible!
No wonder these people are scared like this.

I saw a woman with disheveled hair was hung on a big tree beside her. Her body was stained with blood and her face was completely unrecognizable. Her skin was eaten by something and her bones were exposed. Just thinking about it makes people shudder.

But the little eunuch began to stammer again and said: "Cheat, scam, cheat... Just now... Just now, it was clearly...in this well.".

(End of this chapter)

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