Hell Girl Shura: The King Is Amazing

Chapter 13 The Muppet's Trap [1]

Chapter 13 The Muppet's Trap [1]

"Concubine Yu is right, Madam Liu, I will leave this matter to you." Concubine Liu Gui took over the words.

"Yes, ma'am." What could Madam Liu say?Can only take orders.

Concubine Yu got up at this time, "The flowers have also been admired, and the ladies have also seen them. The palace is a bit tired. The concubine and the younger sister will go back to the palace first.".

As Concubine Yu said, she nodded with a smile and was about to leave.

Someone took the lead, and the concubines with lower status quickly followed suit.

"Sister Guifei, my sister has also returned to the palace." Ning Guiren bowed slightly.Concubine Liu Gui nodded lightly.

"It's all gone, it's boring, and I'm going back to the palace too. Sister Guifei has worked hard." Concubine Yu pretended to be sorry, and twisted the waist of the water snake after speaking, and left with a sway.

The concubines who accompanied Concubine Liu Gui left one after another, leaving only those who should have been here in the huge Chuxiu Palace.

Concubine Liu Gui also got up, looked at the beautiful women in front of her, and said, "Those who have been dismissed today, you must have your own skills, otherwise, you will not have the chance to meet the emperor! There are three more tests to come." , Bengong hopes that you will not be put down again, otherwise, Bengong will not be able to let you stay! Do you understand?"

"Understood." The show girls answered one after another.

Concubine Liu Gui shifted her gaze to 'Shangguan Die'er', and 'Shangguan Die'er' looked composed.He looked at him blankly.

Concubine Liu Gui didn't say anything in the end, a smug look flashed in her eyes, she turned and left.

"Respectfully send off the imperial concubine and empress." The show girls and court ladies hurriedly bowed to send them off.

The concubines had all left, and Nanny Liu looked at all the beautiful ladies, and said, "It's almost time for lunch, young masters, rest for a while, and I will teach you the rules of the palace in the afternoon." and etiquette." After saying that, he also turned and left.

In the luxurious palace, Concubine Yu, dressed in fine attire, walked back and forth in the hall, thinking about how to find a chance to get rid of 'Shangguan Die'er', after all, 'Shangguan Die'er' was a big threat to her.Not only is she beautiful, but also much younger than her, and the melodious and melodious sound of the piano made her fall into it involuntarily.Let alone a man!
The palace maid Wan'er stepped forward and asked, "Why are you bothered by the empress? Let the slaves help you solve it!".

Hearing Wan'er's words, Concubine Yu stopped her pace, shifted her gaze to Wan'er, and thought about it.She gestured to Wan'er to come closer, and when Wan'er approached, Concubine Yu put her lips next to Wan'er's ear, her lips twitched a few times, and her eyes showed a look of satisfaction.

Wan'er nodded again and again, then leaned forward and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, this servant will definitely handle this matter well."

Concubine Yu nodded lightly, "Very good, let's go!".

"Yes, empress." Wan'er bowed and stepped back.

Seeing Wan'er's leaving back, Concubine Yu smiled even more.

In the afternoon, Nanny Liu came to Chuxiu Palace again to continue the palace rules and etiquette that were not taught in the morning.

The sun is setting, and dusk is coming.It's time for free time again.

Before Madam Liu left, she assigned a task—female red.

It is said that it was arranged by Concubine Liu Gui, and it is also one of the items that must be assessed by previous show girls.

As for the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, if you pass one of them, you don't need to participate in the rest.

For example, if you pass the piano assessment this time, you don't have to participate in the chess, calligraphy and painting after that.There is also a mystery.In this way, even if the remaining ones are not good at it, they are still very good at it, and they can keep it in front of the emperor to perform again, and win the favor for themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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