Hell Girl Shura: The King Is Amazing

Chapter 177 Can't I eat it?

Chapter 177 Can't I eat it?
When Gongsun Hao saw Xia Ruyan coming, he knew that she must have heard about Yun Xueli's coming, so he followed.

How could Gongsun Hao not know about the darkness in the harem.He said: "Why don't the princess stay in the East Palace to raise her baby, what are you doing in Goulan?".

Xia Ruyan had already thought up her speech, and said, "Staying in the East Palace all day is boring and boring. I heard that the autumn chrysanthemums in the imperial garden are in full bloom. I thought I wouldn't come to see them again. I'm afraid they will wither in winter, so I came here. Watching, let the palace people pick some autumn chrysanthemums and go back to the East Palace to make some chrysanthemum cakes and make some chrysanthemum tea. Hearing that the prince’s cousin and others are here to play a game, they are curious to take a look.”

Without waiting for Gongsun Hao to respond, Xia Ruyan continued, "I think the chrysanthemum cake is what the crown prince's cousin ate? Yan'er has been hungry recently, can I have it together?".

After Xia Ruyan said so, there must be someone in the palace who prepared a seat for her.

Xia Ruyan started to eat unceremoniously.

Although Yun Xueli ordered someone to do it, but after all, it was for the prince to eat, and she was just passing by.Otherwise, she really wanted to take this opportunity to say that she had a stomachache and was going to have a miscarriage.

Xia Ruyan had just taken a few mouthfuls, and felt her mouth dry, so she drank some tea that Yun Xueli had prepared.

I just feel that the tea is a bit weird, it is said to be scented tea, but it seems to contain medicinal flavor.

Before she could ask her questions, Yun Xueli returned to the gazebo from nowhere, and when she saw Xia Ruyan eating the tea and cakes she had prepared, she pretended to be surprised and said, "Ah! Sister, why are you here? Why do you still eat the cakes and tea I prepared for the prince and brother?".

Yun Xueli was shocked on the surface, but she was full of carnival in her heart, Xia Ruyan, let me see how you can survive this time safely!

Xia Ruyan frowned, "What does my sister mean, I can't eat it?".

"Of course I can't eat it! Your Highness and others will inevitably hurt bruises, so I ordered someone to add some blood-activating and blood-removing ingredients to the chrysanthemum cake. For the eldest grandson of the emperor, if you eat it, you will have a miscarriage!".

"You!" Xia Ruyan stood up.

She wanted to take this opportunity to say that it was Yun Xueli who murdered the eldest grandson of the emperor, but she sent this cake to Goulan, and she wanted to get close to Gongsun Hao and ate it on her own initiative.

Although Gongsun Hao doesn't like open and secret fights between women, it is well known that Xia Ruyan is pregnant with the emperor's eldest grandson.

Since Yun Xueli said that these things would be harmful to the child, she should immediately send the imperial physician to come for diagnosis and treatment.

"Go, you can send the imperial physician over."As soon as Gongsun Hao gave the order, the young eunuch immediately led the order.

Xia Ruyan was in a panic, if she wanted to go, it would have to be her maidservant who bought a good doctor!

The prince suddenly ordered someone to come here, wouldn't he expose her fake pregnancy in a while?

"Cousin Prince, no need, I'm fine!".

Seeing Xia Ruyan's flustered appearance, Yun Xueli felt very happy.

Yun Xueli suddenly noticed that Xia Ruyan's skirt was stained with blood, "Ah! Sister, you are bleeding, and you still say you are fine.".

Yun Xueli was also worried about whether she was really pregnant, but now she had a miscarriage because of her cakes and tea.

But whether it's true or not, you'll know soon.

It looks like it's fake, I heard that people who have miscarriages have stomach pains, but seeing Xia Ruyan like this, she seems to be a normal person.

It was only then that Xia Ruyan realized that her body was wet, and then she remembered that Yuexin was coming in the next few days. She might have eaten cakes and tea that promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, which made Yuexin advance a day or two.

(End of this chapter)

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