Chapter 190 Text Prison

Du Yuling can respond in this way, and 'Shangguan Dier' is no exception.

After all, 11 years ago, the former prefect of the imperial city was imprisoned in literary prison because of this biography, and he ended up copying and chopping all his families.

Du Yuling must have known about this, and it was perfectly normal to be taken aback.

"The imperial concubine, it's not that concubines don't help, it's just that 11 years ago, the former prefect was sent to literary prison because of his biography, and he was punished by copying and beheading. This favor, concubines really can't help."

Du Yuling was trembling with fear, although she really wanted the prince to look at her more, and it would be better if they could be together, but this is a serious crime of ransacking the family and exterminating the family, how dare she take the life of the whole family as a joke?

"But Xu Jieyu feels that there is still a way out for you? Not to mention whether I have exposed your love for the crown prince, even the crown prince's side concubine, she has already seen Xu Jieyu's love for the crown prince, she I will never give up on Xu Jieyu, when the time comes, when Xu Jieyu thinks that she can't protect herself, will she still be able to protect her family?". 'Shangguan Die'er' took a look at Du Yuling, and continued: "I asked you a long time ago, and I can be trusted. Since I asked you to do this, I must be able to guarantee that your family will not be harmed! As for the side concubine of the crown prince, I will handle it on my own, as long as you do what I say, I will not only keep your family safe and sound, but also make you a crown prince and concubine!".

Du Yuling was still hesitating, 'Shangguan Die'er' continued: "I have already chosen the road for you. I think Xu Jieyu knows how to go."

Du Yuling pursed her lips, "But concubines are excluded from the deep palace, how can I meet my father and tell him about this matter?".

When Du Yuling said this, 'Shangguan Dier' knew that she agreed, "You don't need to worry about this, as long as you agree, I will naturally arrange it.".


After nightfall, palace people are not allowed to walk around in the palace at will.

Team after team of the Royal Forest Army patrolled with lanterns.

'Shangguan Die'er' put on night clothes and jumped onto the roof, avoiding the patrolling guards, and quickly shuttled through the palace.

Out of the palace, all the way to the prefect's mansion.

Standing on the roof of the prefect's mansion, looking at the changed layout, 'Shangguan Die'er' felt very sad.

This is where she lived when she was a child. Once, it was full of love and laughter.But since that massacre...

'Shangguan Die'er' stopped thinking about it, found the main courtyard and saw that the light in the study room was still on, 'Shangguan Die'er' lifted a tile, and only Du Chengen, the prefect of the imperial city, was reading some books on the desk.

'Shangguan Die'er' took out a note written by Du Yuling from his sleeve, and threw it down through the gap in the tile.

The imperial city prefect was surprised, "Who?".

'Shangguan Dier' quickly covered the tiles and left.

Du Chengen picked up the note and opened it, and saw that it said, "Please take the time to go to the palace to talk, my daughter has something to discuss.——Yu Ling.".

Du Chengen thought about it.

As a matter of fact, it is such a trivial matter to pass a note, just find a palace official to wait outside the Qinzheng Hall, and pass it to Du Chengen when the court is over.

It's just that 'Shangguan Die'er' has her own thinking, she not only wants to come to the prefect's mansion, she also wants to go to the sky to practice magic!
After leaving the prefect's mansion, in a deserted alley, 'Shangguan Die'er' took off his night clothes, revealing the male casual clothes inside.

(End of this chapter)

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