Hell Girl Shura: The King Is Amazing

Chapter 26 Palace Selection [1]

Chapter 26 Palace Selection [1]

"Yes, ma'am." The guard took the order.Concubine Yu walked away.

Chuxiu Palace——

The show girls stood in a straight line, sitting in front of them was Concubine Liu Gui who had just come from the Queen's Palace.

Nanny Liu handed over all the female celebrities of the show girls to the table next to Concubine Liu Gui.

'Shangguan Die'er' was naturally not embroidered by herself, she didn't have the patience and thought to embroider it.They were all embroidered by Cher.As long as it works, it's fine.Her goal is not to show how talented she is, but...

In short, she is sure that she can stay in the palace, as long as she stays, everything else will be much easier!

Concubine Liu Gui held those embroidered finished products one by one for inspection.Sometimes nodding, sometimes frowning.

Time flies, more than half a month has passed in a blink of an eye.'Shangguan Die'er' never participated in the remaining three assessments.

Today is the day of the palace selection.

The location of the palace was chosen, as in previous years, on the lake pavilion in the imperial garden.

The emperor sits at the head, the queen sits in the lower right corner, and concubine Liu Gui sits in turn.

In the lower left corner is the crown prince Gongsun Hao, and then the third prince Gongsun Yu.

Then there are some waiting ladies and eunuchs.

"Let's start!" Gongsun Zhenran said lightly.

Standing behind him is Eunuch Ji, the Chief Eunuch.I saw him raising the whisk in his hand and shouting in his thin drake voice: "The selection of the hall begins—"

As soon as his voice fell, six beautiful girls stepped forward and lined up.The clothes on his body are of different colors, but they are of the same style.

"Kowtow to the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live." The beautiful girls bowed and saluted one after another.

"Pingshen." Gongsun Zhenran said indifferently.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Everyone got up and thanked.

"They all raised their heads to show me." Gongsun Zhenran said.

As Gongsun Zhenran's voice fell, the six beautiful girls raised their heads one after another.

The third prince, Gongsun Yu, also carefully looked at these beautiful girls, ever since he saw that beautiful figure in Chuxiu Palace that day, he could never forget it.

The queen looked at these beautiful girls with a smile, "Your Majesty, the concubine sister has worked really hard. These beautiful girls are really good-looking! The emperor will reward the concubine sister well when he looks back."

"The queen is right, I should reward the noble concubine when I look back."Gongsun Zhenran nodded in response.

"My concubine thanks the emperor for his grace." Concubine Liu Gui got up and blessed Gongsun Zhenran.

Gongsun Zhenran waved his hand, signaling Concubine Liu Gui to sit down, "Sit down."

Concubine Liu Gui sat back in her seat.Gongsun Zhenran turned his gaze back to the show girls, "The one in the red dress on the far left, what's your name?".

Yingying, the woman named by Gongsun Zhenran, paid her respects and said with a sweet smile, "The maid's name is Nalan Yun, and Nalan Rong, the servant of the household department, is my father."

Gongsun Zhenran was obviously very satisfied with Nalan Yun, nodded, and said: "Nalan Yun, the daughter of the servant of the household department, is knowledgeable in books and respects rituals, and has a heart of quality. She is granted the honor of Yun nobleman and bestowed upon her in the Ruoting Pavilion." .

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Nalan Yun happily thanked her.

Gongsun Zhenran swept his gaze over the remaining five people, and finally landed on a beautiful girl in the middle, "The one in the middle in green, what's your name.".

The beautiful girl in green who was named was slightly blessed, "Back to the emperor, the maid's name is Ding Ruolan, a person from Xiangfu in Henan. My father is the county magistrate of Xiangfu.".

While speaking, she looked up at Gongsun Zhenran shyly.

(End of this chapter)

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