Hell Girl Shura: The King Is Amazing

Chapter 305 So It Was You, Little Thing!

Chapter 305 So It Was You, Little Thing!
What's more, Qiuqiu was still with him, so he just let it go.

Gongsun Ying was very envious that her younger brother could play with the little brother brought by Aunt Hua, and Qiuqiu.

Watching the little figure leave.

Only then did Jinghua start to comment on Gongsunying's just playing the tune.

"It's not bad that Ying Er can memorize the entire score of this song when she is still young. It's just that when she plays the piano, she should incorporate more of her inner understanding of the piano, which will accumulate over time. When Ying Er grows up in the future, her piano skills will certainly be good. ".

Hearing Jinghua say this, Chu Xiangyu said happily: "Really? Even my sister thinks that Yinger can play the piano well in the future?".

Jinghua nodded.

Gongsun Ying was only five years old, and if she could memorize the piano score, no matter how good or bad it was, it was always good for such a young child.

Jinghua chatted with Chu Xiangyu for a while again in the gazebo. Originally, Jinghua planned to ask the palace attendant to pick up the second prince and bring Xiao Junying out of the palace.

But before Jinghua opened his mouth, he realized that something was wrong.Little Junying is in danger! ! !
"No, Junying is in danger!".Standing up in amazement, he searched for it through his own induction of Qiuqiu.

Chu Xiangyu was also shocked. If Xiao Junying was in danger, wouldn't Gongsun Qing who was with Xiao Junying also be in danger?


Originally, Gongsun Qing took Xiaojun Yingyu to find elder brother Shizi to play, but when he was halfway there, he was suddenly stopped by a vicious person.

At least, in Gongsun Qing's innocent eyes, who had never seen a villain, he was a vicious person.

Xiao Junying was born in the Demon Realm, so she doesn't think anyone will be vicious, so she is not afraid.

The attendants accompanying Gongsun Qing hurriedly protected Gongsun Qing and Xiao Junying.

The person who came came squinted his eyes, "You mere mortals want to stop me? Overestimate your strength!".

The visitor knew that the battle should be resolved quickly, otherwise it would be difficult to handle when Jinghua came.

So the man quickly killed those guards and maids.

Qiuqiu jumped to the ground at some point.

Gongsun Qing took Xiao Junying's hand, "Brother, run, the bad guys are coming.".

Xiao Junying just thought it was fun, so she happily ran with Gongsun Qing.

The visitor actually felt a little dizzy, after seeing the ball on the ground.He shook his head fiercely, "So it's you, a little thing, who wants to weave dreams on me? Just you, a dream weaving beast, is not enough for a demon crusader like me!".

As the Voldemort spoke, he even kicked the ball away.

'Zhizhi' 'Zhizhi' Qiuqiu was angry, how dare he say that its cultivation is not good?please!Its cultivation base is very high, okay?
It's just how does it know that it will be the nemesis Demon Volunteer?It is a monster! ! !
Gongsun Qing dragged Xiao Junying for a few steps before being stopped by the Demon Subduer.

Gongsun Qing kept Xiao Junying behind him, and kept backing away, "You...what do you want to do?".

The devil crooked his lips, "What do you want to do? Naturally, take the little brother behind you to play ~".

"Don't lie to me! You are a villain! Let me tell you, I am the second prince of the heaven! I am not afraid of you. If you dare to hurt us, my father will destroy your nine clans!".At such a young age, Gongsun Qing didn't know where his courage came from. He was so scared that he was going to die, but he still knew to protect Xiao Junying.

Xiao Junying didn't know the existence of danger at all, but happily and curiously poked her head out behind Gongsun Qing to look at the Demon Subduer.

(End of this chapter)

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