Hell Girl Shura: The King Is Amazing

Chapter 54 Hidden Murder [3]

Chapter 54 Hidden Murder [3]

Gongsun Yu also ignored Nalan Yun, followed the words of 'Shangguan Die'er' and returned to the palace.

Nalan Yun could only stare bitterly at the back of 'Shangguan Die'er' leaving, she did not believe that this matter would not be a big deal!She didn't believe that this matter was brought up in front of the emperor, and the emperor would not deal with this 'Shangguan Die'er'! ! !
Thinking of this, she also turned around and headed towards the imperial study.

'Shangguan Die'er' and Xue'er stopped when they reached a corner where no one was around, and 'Shangguan Die'er' winked at Xue'er.Xue'er nodded knowingly, and then disappeared around the corner. 'Shangguan Die'er' had a cold smile on his lips.

Changchun Palace——

"You mean, Yu Wang gifted Shangguan Die'er with a good jade pendant?".Concubine Liu Gui narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at the little maid with a calculating face.

"Go back to the imperial concubine, that's right."The little maid answered truthfully.

"Then Shangguan Dier accepted it?"

"Going back to the imperial concubine, the concubine Li not only accepted it, but also went for a walk in the imperial garden with King Yu.".

"Very good! Continue to pay attention to the movement and report to Ben Gong at any time!".

"Yes, empress. The servants will leave."The little palace maid took orders and left.

After the little palace maid left, Concubine Liu Gui looked at Nanny Liu, "Mother Liu, send someone to pass on to Mrs. Yun, saying that I want to see her.".

"Yes, ma'am. The old slave will do it now."Grandma Liu led the order and left the hall.

Coral Hall—

"Concubine Yu is here—"The shrill voice of the drake pierced through the entire coral hall.

Li Mei'er greeted her with the palace people and said: "The concubine has seen the concubine Yu, and the empress is blessed and safe.".

"The servant sees the concubine Yu, the empress is blessed and safe.".

"The maidservant kowtows to concubine Yu, and the empress is blessed and safe.".

"Let's all be free!".Concubine Yu said calmly, and stepped forward to help Li Meier.

"Thank you, ma'am." Everyone thanked and got up.

Concubine Yu held Li Mei'er's hand with a smile on her face, "From what I see, my sister's good days are coming. I heard that the emperor turned over my sister's sign last night."

Li Mei'er also smiled softly, "Sister Concubine Yu made fun of my younger sister again, how dare my younger sister compare with her older sister. In the heart of the emperor, older sister is the emperor's favorite concubine.".

"Okay, okay, why are you so humble in front of my sister."Concubine Yu gave Li Meier a look of reproach.


At this time, Nalan Yun is leading the maid in the palace towards the direction of the imperial study, Hao Ran has never noticed that the danger is approaching step by step.

Because of her recklessness, she killed herself.

Xue'er exuded a fierce murderous aura, walked around behind Nalan Yun, stretched out her hand and twisted it, and the maid accompanying Nalan Yun didn't even utter a scream, and her life was resolved in this way.

Nalan Yun seemed to have sensed that something was wrong, she turned around, her eyes widened in horror, and just about to scream, Xue'er shot very quickly, covering Nalan Yun's mouth with one hand, and putting her hand on her neck After a twist, there was only a 'creak' sound, and Nalan Yun lost her life with her eyes wide open.

Xue'er looked around and saw no one passing by, so she locked her eyes on the rockery a few steps away.

He dragged Nalan Yun's body to the back of the rockery, and then dragged the little maid together.After making some cover-ups, he turned and left.

Changchun Palace——

Concubine Liu Gui was reclining on the imperial concubine chair drinking tea when the little maid sent by Madam Liu to pass on nobleman Yun entered the palace and reported back: "I want to report to your Majesty, the servants have searched all over the harem, but they have not seen nobleman Yun." .

(End of this chapter)

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