Hell Girl Shura: The King Is Amazing

Chapter 71 Hunting disturbance [1]

Chapter 71 Hunting disturbance [1]

There was a little blush beside Junyi's face.That's a symptom of being slightly drunk.The amber pupils are slightly blurred.

Gongsun Yu shook his heavy head, looking at the bright moon in the vast night sky.Unable to resist the dizziness in his head, he fell down on the stone table, and with a crisp 'pop', the wine jug on the table was knocked to the ground and shattered into pieces.Gongsun Yu didn't seem to know it.

"Hehe...hehehe...Die'er...Die'er...After tonight, you will really become Father's woman, and the distance between us has been drawn further...Hi..." .While speaking, he also burped.

"Dieer...do you know? My heart..." Gongsun Yu said, clenched his hands into fists and slapped his heart, "It hurts...it really hurts!".In his tone, he choked up, and two lines of tears slipped down the corners of his eyes, and finally buried in his hair and disappeared.

"Die'er...Die'er..." Gongsun Yu kept calling the name of 'Shangguan Die'er', and reached out his hand to fumble for the flagon on the table, in exchange for a crisp sound of 'ping ping pong pang'.

As soon as the sky turned pale, Gongsun Zhenran began to wake up.Stretching out his hand to touch his head, he shook it vigorously. 'Shangguan Die'er' called out, "Come here.".

Two court ladies came from outside the palace. 'Shangguan Die'er' glanced at them lightly, "Wash and change the emperor.".

"Yes, ma'am."The ladies of the court answered with no words, and then began to wash and change Gongsun Zhenran.When the maids were changing Gongsun Zhenran's clothes, Gongsun Zhenran glanced at the dragon couch, there was a dazzling bright red on the bright yellow silk sheets.

It was 'Shangguan Dier' who poured the chicken blood that had been prepared.It's completely dry now.

Gongsun Zhenran was very satisfied, after all, he fell asleep like this last night.He doesn't even remember whether he made 'Shangguan Die'er' his real woman.

"Since the emperor is wearing armor and preparing for hunting for a while, Die'er will also go back to wash and change clothes first.". 'Shangguan Die'er' said it as if it meant something.

"Ok.".Gongsun Zhenran was in a happy mood and agreed immediately.

'Shangguan Die'er nodded slightly and stepped back.

Led by the palace attendant, he returned to his residence.Cher was already there waiting.

"How? Are you all ready?". 'Shangguan Die'er' asked as soon as he entered the room.

"Master, don't worry, everything is ready."Xueer answered seriously.

"very good.". While 'Shangguan Die'er' was speaking, Xueer was already changing into the plain clothes she was going to wear today.After putting it on, I put on the night clothes outside.Everything was ready, Xueer took out a piece of paper from her waist.

'Shangguan Die'er' spread out the paper and browsed it casually.This is the map of Wuling Mountain.This is the topographic map that Xue'er investigated Wuling Mountain in the dark last night with her own skills, and then simulated it.

'Shangguan Dier' closed the map and put it in his arms.He opened the door and looked around, but no one was there.Lightly tap the toes, and use lightness kung fu to leave.

Dodge the heavy patrol of guards and go to the hunting ground.

At the commanding height of the hunting ground, there are already many accompanying family members sitting on chairs in order to watch the hunting for a while.

Outside the hunting grounds, there are dignitaries, emperors, princes, and princes.They all put on their armor and sat on horseback.Waiting for the emperor's order, everyone will gallop into the hunting ground one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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