Hell Girl Shura: The King Is Amazing

Chapter 73 Hunting disturbance [3]

Chapter 73 Hunting disturbance [3]

The attendants yelled that there was an assassin, and the Imperial Forest Army heard the shout, some surrounded the emperor to protect the holy car, and some rushed to catch the assassin, which was very bad for 'Shangguan Die'er'.

'Shangguan Dier' saw someone discovering his whereabouts.His eyes sank coldly.The palm wind was very murderous, and it went straight to Yun Haoran.If it wasn't for Yun Haoran's profound skill, if he were an ordinary person, he would have been shattered by her palm and died suddenly on the spot.

Yun Haoran dodged the palm wind of 'Shangguan Die'er', and accompanied by the smell of blood from 'Shangguan Die'er', a faint fragrance wafted into Yun Haoran's nose at the same time.

"Come here! Catch the assassin!".

"Protect the emperor!".

The shouts of the guards were heard in the hunting ground.The guards moved towards Gongsun Zhenran one after another.Some female relatives were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and they didn't know what to do.

'Shangguan Die'er' saw that Yun Haoran was also an expert, and knew whether it was appropriate to love fighting, so he swung his palm at Yun Haoran.The speed was so fast that Yun Haoran had no time to dodge, and took that slap. 'Shangguan Die'er' took this opportunity, raised her spirits and rushed towards the palace.

Yun Haoran stretched out his hand to caress the chest hit by 'Shangguan Die'er', recalling the fight just now, his murderous eyes were clear and glamorous.That burst of fragrance, accompanied by the smell of blood, still lingered on the tip of the nose.

'Shangguan Die'er' returned to the palace residence, and Xue'er hurriedly stepped forward to ask about it. 'Shangguan Dier' quickly took off the night clothes on his body, "Burn this clothes quickly!".

"yes.".Cher took the lead.After receiving the night clothes handed over by 'Shangguan Die'er', he hurriedly took out the fire pocket from his bosom, threw the night clothes into the brazier and burned them.

'Shangguan Die'er' quickly washed his face with the water Xue'er had prepared in advance to wash off the blood on his face.

In order to prevent others from getting suspicious, 'Shangguan Die'er' washed his face again and poured some scarlet water into the potted plants placed in the room.

Almost at the same time that these matters were dealt with, the Imperial Forest Army had already chased them over.

"Quick! The assassin is coming towards the palace, search every room, don't miss any corner!".The voice of the commander of the Imperial Forest Army came from outside the door.

"yes.".Neat and well-planned answers, accompanied by the sound of clashing armour, rustling sounds, and soon there was the sound of the Imperial Forest Army opening the door, and 'Shangguan Die'er' and Xue'er had already jumped on the door when the Imperial Forest Army was chasing them. The beams were removed.

The imperial guards searched the room for a long time, but found nothing suspicious.The leader waved his hand, "Go!".There was another sound of armor clashing, and everyone left the room.When the footsteps gradually drift away.The palace returned to tranquility.

'Shangguan Die'er' and Xue'er jumped off the beam.After leaving the palace, he quickly avoided the palace attendants, and headed to the commanding heights on the hunting ground where the female relatives were watching.

Being disturbed by the so-called assassin, today's hunting must not continue until the assassin is caught. Long Yan was displeased and ordered to suspend the hunting.Everyone returned to the gathering place. Some hunted birds, rabbits, deer, etc., and some returned empty-handed. After all, the opening time was too short, and it was too late to shoot, so they said there was an assassin, so they had to return to escort.

Gongsun Zhenran looked at the guards in front of him, "This is the first day of hunting, and there are assassins!".

The commander in charge of the hunting guard hurriedly stepped forward and knelt down on one knee, "The last general is not guarded strictly, and death is inevitable. Please give the last general a chance to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds. The last general will definitely catch the assassin.".

(End of this chapter)

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