Hell Girl Shura: The King Is Amazing

Chapter 82 Zhaoyi Miscarriage 【2】

Chapter 82 Zhaoyi Miscarriage 【2】

Like a lunatic, Li Mei'er pointed at 'Shangguan Die'er' and laughed wildly as she spoke.If it were an ordinary family, it would be a bit sad to watch.But this is a harem of intrigues, cannibalism without spit out bones.It has long been commonplace.Everyone just stared blankly and numbly.

Maybe someone will sympathize with Li Meier.But that was only for a moment.There is no one who really feels distressed.

"Concubine Li is so favored, don't follow in my footsteps in the future, otherwise...".Li Mei'er paused for a while, then looked at 'Shangguan Die'er' very seriously, and continued: "Otherwise...it's too late to regret, hahahahahaha...ahhahahahahaha...".

'Shangguan Die'er' didn't speak, just looked at Li Mei'er quietly.

I don't know how long it took, maybe Li Mei'er was tired from laughing, or something else.She stopped smiling.He said blankly: "You all go! I want to be alone for a while.".

Now that Li Mei'er has issued an order to evict guests, how can people who originally disdain to come and visit continue to stay?
'Shangguan Die'er' turned and left without saying anything.The concubines left one after another.

'Shangguan Die'er' looked sideways slightly, and Mrs. Wan Gui was just a few steps behind her. In front of her was a pool of green lake. Although the lake water in autumn was not as cold as in winter.But also cold enough.

'Shangguan Die'er' suddenly slowed down, deliberately allowing Wan Gui to follow.

Sure enough, as soon as he walked to the lake, Wan Gui had already followed the pace of "Shangguan Die Er". 'Shangguan Die'er' fell into the icy lake when no one was able to guard against it.

Wan Gui didn't know why, she only knew that 'Shangguan Die'er' suddenly touched her, and then fell into the lake.This made her feel a bad premonition rising from the bottom of her heart.Cold sweat involuntarily broke out from the body.made her cold.

"Concubine Li..."The people behind them couldn't help being frightened and exclaimed.

'Shangguan Die'er' also deliberately flopped about in the water, pretending that she couldn't swim.

Xiaoru was in a hurry, and she didn't know how to swim, so she hurriedly shouted, "Come on! Concubine Li has fallen into the lake, come and rescue Concubine Li.".

It happened that Gongsun Yu, who was going to the East Palace to find Gongsun Hao, passed by from the opposite side of the lake, and heard the maid's cry for help, shouting again to save Concubine Li.After seeing the 'Shangguan Die'er' in white clothes struggling in the lake, his eyes widened in shock, without even thinking about it, he jumped out of the lake and swam towards 'Shangguan Die'er' with all his strength Come.Holding the 'dying' 'Shangguan Die'er' in his arms, he swam towards the shore.

On the shore, regardless of the wetness, he hugged 'Shangguan Die'er' and ran towards Xiyan Palace, shouting, "Quickly send the doctor!".

"yes!".Frightened, Xiao Ru hurriedly nodded in response, and then ran towards the Tai Hospital.Everyone present couldn't just leave like this, they could only go to Xiyan Palace together.

Nestling in Gongsun Yu's arms, Gongsun Yu strode like flying, and the wet water on his face dripped onto the face of 'Shangguan Die'er'.

(End of this chapter)

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