Hell Girl Shura: The King Is Amazing

Chapter 9 Piano Art Assessment

Chapter 9 Piano Art Assessment
But her impoliteness was precisely a trick.It's disrespect.

Mei smiled and said: "Sister Concubine, this must be the Shangguan Dier that my sister is talking about, right? She really has a bit of beauty, but why is she so ignorant of the rules? Seeing my sister and me waiting for the concubine to come, I don't want to salute. Is it because Nanny Liu didn't teach you well?" Concubine Yu said, and shifted her gaze to Nanny Liu again.

Madam Liu hurriedly took the words in fear, "What the concubine Yu taught me is that the old slave failed to teach me well.".

At this moment, Concubine Yu also accepted the words with a smile, "I think this Shangguan Die'er is quite temperamental, but..." Concubine Yu changed the subject as she spoke, and shifted her gaze to 'Shangguan Die'er'. "Shangguan Die'er, this is the palace. It's not like being in your mansion. You can follow your temperament. You still have to abide by the rules in the palace."

'Shangguan Die'er's lips curled slightly, and he said lightly: "I appreciate your kindness, but I have always been like this since I was a child. I'm afraid I will disappoint you.".

The words of 'Shangguan Die'er' made Concubine Yu feel ashamed.Ning Guiren also said: "Your Prime Minister's daughter really looks like a fairy." After saying that, he looked at Concubine Liu Gui and said, "Sister Guifei, it is rare for us to get together with our sisters. Since all my sisters and I have come here with you Chuxiu Palace, sister, why don't you let us watch their assessment together?".

"Yes, Sister Concubine, I also think Ning Guiren's proposal is very good. I really miss the time when I was a beautiful girl. Time flies so fast, so many years have passed in a blink of an eye, Bengong The Seventeenth Prince is that tall." Concubine Yu took the words, and she stretched out her hand to show the height of the Seventeenth Prince.

Listening to their words, Concubine Liu pretended to be in deep thought. At this time, the other concubines also said, "That's right, Sister Concubine, let me wait to see and see together! It's good if we sisters miss the scene when we entered the palace." .

Concubine Liu Gui then pretended to be reluctant and agreed: "Alright then! Nanny Liu, hurry up and prepare the assessment tools."

"Yes, ma'am." Nanny Liu hurriedly bowed and left.

Soon, all the beautiful girls were brought to the assessment venue. In the first round, Qin was the one to compete.Since she wants to become the emperor's concubine, she is good at all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, how can this be done?

Everyone lined up in a straight line, and 'Shangguan Die'er' stood at the front, because she did not allow others to stand in front of her!She is the real king, she must be number one!

All the concubines have sat down to drink tea and eat cakes according to their positions, watching these people's assessment.

'Shangguan Die'er' walked to the Guqin, flicked the hem of his clothes with both hands, and sat down.The coherent movements leaked her domineering aura, giving people an illusion, as if she is the one who dominates the world, making people involuntarily want to respect her, and dare not look directly at her.

Even Concubine Liu Gui and Concubine Yu had such an illusion, but they just didn't want to admit it.

'Shangguan Die'er' put a pair of jade hands on the strings slowly, and plucked the strings slowly. The melodious and melodious sound of the piano made everyone intoxicated by her sound.

At the end of a song, the lingering sound lingers around the beam.Everyone seemed to be intoxicated by her piano sound. 'Shangguan Die'er got up slowly and glanced at them with disdain.

Concubine Liu Gui was the first to realize that she only thought of 'Shangguan Die'er' as a superficial thing, but she didn't expect that she had such talent and could play the piano so well, she really underestimated her!

(End of this chapter)

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