Hell Girl Shura: The King Is Amazing

Chapter 90 Entering the cold palace [1]

Chapter 90 Entering the cold palace [1]

"Huh! What a loyal servant and protector of the Lord!".The Queen snorted coldly.

Then he turned around and sternly shouted: "Bring the little eunuch who placed the red flowers to Ben Gong!".

As soon as the words fell, guards escorted a frightened little eunuch in from outside the hall.

Kneel down with a 'plop'.Chan's small body knelt on the ground and shivered.

"Say! Who instructed you to put safflower in Qiu Guiren's anti-fetal medicine!".The queen turned sharply, and the little eunuch hurriedly said in a trembling voice: "Back... back to the empress... yes... it was the concubine Li who asked the servant to do this, the empress is clearly aware, the empress, please forgive me... forgive me, empress... ".

Listening to the little eunuch's words, the queen looked at 'Shangguan Die'er' very proudly.Those eyes seemed to be provocative, as if they were showing off their prestige.No matter what it is, 'Shangguan Die'er' doesn't care about it.

What she didn't do, she didn't do.

"Concubine Li, my concubine asks herself, I have never offended you, so why did you put my concubine to death and harm the fetus in my concubine's womb?".Qiu Guiren, who was crying into tears on the bed, shifted her gaze to 'Shangguan Die'er', her eyes were red and swollen, and her face was covered with tears.

"I have never done anything to harm the fetus in your womb, no matter how you frame it!". 'Shangguan Die'er' looked cold, raised his head slightly, and his tone became colder.

The queen ignored it, and turned to look at Gongsun Zhenran, "Your Majesty, Concubine Li is so vicious, I'm afraid she can't stay in the harem."

Gongsun Zhenran looked at 'Shangguan Dier' with heartache, knocked his eyelids slightly, and then slowly opened it, "Come here! Concubine Li is jealous and hurt the dragon descendants. The evidence is conclusive. Because Prime Minister Shangguan is loyal and responsible, the death penalty can be avoided, and the crime of living It's hard to forgive. Put Concubine Li into limbo!".

'Shangguan Die'er' glanced coldly at the queen, the queen's eyes were full of complacency. 'Shangguan Die'er' narrowed his eyes slightly, and made a note of this account. In the future, he will definitely pay back twice as much!
'Shangguan Die'er' was brought into the desolate cold palace by the palace people. The barren courtyard might be ignited by a single fire, or the whole cold palace would be burned down.

At this time, Gongsun Yu and Gongsun Hao are doing Cuju in the Goulan.

When Gongsun Hao kicked the ball, Gongsun Yu didn't stop it because of a sudden suffocation in his heart.

Gongsun Hao raised his eyebrows, "Third Brother, this is not like you."

But Gongsun Yu couldn't laugh, "Brother Huang, I don't know what's going on, just now my chest was suffocated, I always feel that something happened, let's stop here today!".

"Okay! I happen to be a little tired too."Gongsun Hao shrugged.

The two brothers left separately, and Gongsun Yu's eyebrows were slightly closed.I feel uneasy and anxious.When passing the imperial garden, I saw a large group of people coming around the emperor and queen, and there were other concubines behind them.Such a battle is really rare.

"My son has seen the father and the empress." He clasped his fists and saluted.

"Yu'er came just in time, you all go away! Yu'er follows me."Gongsun Zhenran said calmly.

"The concubine resigned.".The queen led the crowd to salute and leave.

The originally mighty team also became sparse in an instant.

Gongsun Yu accompanied Gongsun Zhenran, walking slowly.

"Father's complexion is not very good, but did you not have a good rest last night?".

"Ugh!".Hearing Gongsun Yu's words, Gongsun Zhenran sighed heavily, "I would rather not have a good rest last night.".

(End of this chapter)

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