The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 103 A Different Feeling

Chapter 103 A Different Feeling

Su Qing scratched the back of her head in embarrassment: "That... I... I left the room."

Seeing that Su Xuanchen's face softened a little, Su Qing quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, he went to the chair and sat down as if nothing had happened, and took a sip of a cup of tea slowly, and said: "What is the matter of the national teacher here today? Could it be just to ask about the so-called white jade finger?"

Su Xuanchen pursed his lips and remained silent. When they met again, he thought he would be very angry at Su Qing's frivolity and deception towards him.

Obviously he can refuse this trip to Quanzhou, obviously he can make Su Qing pay a painful price.

but he...

He didn't even do anything, and talked to her calmly.

Su Xuanchen's deep eyes flashed doubts, but when he turned his head to look at Su Qing, he still had the feeling that strangers should not get close.

"This is His Majesty's order!" The big palm with clear bones put the bright yellow imperial edict in the sleeve on the table.

Su Qing opened the imperial decree with a little doubt, and glanced over it. Holding the imperial decree, Su Qing asked Su Xuanchen in disbelief: "The emperor wants me to go to Qingzhou to investigate the salt smuggling business?"

Su Xuanchen glanced at her indifferently, but did not speak.

Su Qing was taken aback by his idiotic gaze.

Immediately she lowered her head in distress. She smuggled salt. Although she was not good at history, she also knew that smuggling was a felony.

But once she takes over the case, I don't know how many ministers of the DPRK and China will be involved.

The dog will jump over the wall when she is in a hurry, not to mention that she is just a mere princess, even if the empress comes in person, no one can resist the wave after wave of assassinations.

Seeing Su Qing's dejected look, Su Xuanchen suddenly said: "The Empress appointed you as an imperial envoy. On the surface it is a hard job, but once you do it, you will be Su Jing's worthy princess today."

Su Qing looked up at him, and for a moment the eyes of the two met in the air, and an unknown emotion spread in it.

"There will be no more voices against you in the court."

Listening to his voice, Su Qing suddenly felt that Su Xuanchen was not so cold-hearted.

A hint of cunning slipped through the depths of her eyes, Su Qing rested her chin on her hands, and asked softly with some doubts: "Su Xuanchen, why do you care so much about my status in the court?"

Since his eyes never left Su Xuanchen, Su Qing clearly saw Su Xuanchen's face and body froze suddenly.

This made Su Qing even more curious.

In the past, he did not know where to find Mr. Qing Lan, who was gentle and martial arts. Later, he personally went to the court to torture her in every possible way. Now he travels thousands of miles, traveling all the way, just to let her handle a case?
Su Xuanchen, what exactly do you want from me?
There was a moment of confusion and hesitation in Su Qing's eyes. Since she came here, not only has Su Xuanchen not been surprised at all, but he has paid more than a hundred times more attention to her than before.

Just because Su Qing didn't say anything, doesn't mean she didn't know.

Now, looking at his sharp-edged face from such a close distance, for some reason, Su Qing suddenly wanted to know, he...

What is the reason for doing this?
Su Xuanchen recovered quickly, and then looked away expressionlessly, and the deep voice sounded again: "The purpose of my national teacher marrying His Highness is to assist His Highness to become a generation of Mingjun. At that time, my national teacher will naturally be able to retire."

Hearing this, Su Qing froze for a moment, a numb pain came from the tip of her heart, because this feeling was very light.So she quickly ignored this feeling, and of course, also ignored Su Xuanchen's last sentence.

With a smile on the corner of her mouth, Su Qing Liu Ye raised her eyebrows slightly, and said, "So, Master Su finally admitted that he has married this hall, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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