Chapter 105 Explained
Su Qing stepped out of the threshold, but there was no one outside.

Su Xuanchen snorted coldly, and said, "The servants of the Jun family are so ignorant of etiquette!"

Su Qing didn't hate Su Xuanchen like before, but asked Bailifeng with the sound transmission technique: "Who was here just now?"

"Young master!" The three words came to Su Qing's ears very clearly.

Su Qing's complexion changed, she lifted her footsteps lightly, and wanted to leave.

It's not that Su Xuanchen didn't hear this sentence, because he felt that it would be harmless even if Jun Qian heard it, but he didn't expect that Su Qing would leave him and leave.

In desperation, Su Xuanchen grabbed her arm directly, and said in a serious tone, "Where are you going?"

Su Qing was very anxious at this time, and Jun Qian was sensitive. Although what she said just now was just to appease Su Xuanchen, if Jun Qian heard it, it might have another meaning.

Therefore, she didn't realize at this moment that Su Xuanchen used to never let others get close to him, but now, he took her hand actively.

Its meaning is self-evident.

"I have something important to talk about when I come back." After saying this, Su Qing wanted to leave directly.

But instead of letting go, Su Xuanchen's subordinates became more aggressive.

It made Su Qing slightly upset, and the pitch-black Mo pupil looked sideways at him like a heavenly man with a hint of anger: "Su Xuanchen, what exactly do you want to do?"

Hearing this, Su Xuanchen was stunned, and the strength of his subordinates unconsciously increased a little, yes, what does he want to do?
Why did he stop her?
As soon as he loosened his grip, Su Qing ran out in a hurry, leaving him only a wisp of the soft scent of her hair.

Su Xuanchen looked at her leaving back with a gloomy expression.

"Which direction did he go?" Su Qing walked out of the gate, but couldn't see Jun Qian's person, feeling a little restless for a while.

"West Street, Quanhu." It was still a short sentence, but it gave her a blow in the head.

This little stammer, could it be that he couldn't bear the blow and wanted to jump into the lake?
Obediently, this is terrible.

Without thinking about it, Su Qing flew towards the West Lake.

Xia He just rushed to the door, but only saw an afterimage of Su Qing, cursed secretly, Xia He didn't dare to delay for a moment, and hurriedly flew to follow.

She rushed to the West Lake without stopping, but what she saw was the slightly petite figure of the man squatting on the shore. That slightly bleak figure really made her feel distressed.

Walking over with light steps, Su Qing also sat down beside him.

Jun Qian knew it was her who came, but he still turned his head away angrily.

Su Qing is helpless, when will she be able to change her easily angry temper?

"What I said to Su Xuanchen today was not my intention." Su Qing decided to explain after a moment of deliberation.

Jun Qian's long eyelashes trembled, some crystal tears hung on them, his lips pursed, but he still didn't speak, nor did he turn his head to look at her.

Sighing, Su Qing was also a little annoyed, but she still patiently talked with him.

"Su Xuanchen came here at this time with the will of the Queen Mother. The person who had a marriage contract with me at the beginning was your second brother. Only by doing this can I dispel the doubts between him and the Queen Mother, so that we can get married safely. "

After Su Qing finished speaking, Jun Qian slowly turned to look at her.

Her fair face was covered with tears at the moment.

It made Su Qing's heart ache slightly.

"Su...Sister Su," Jun Qian sobbed, tears falling down again.

He and Jun Huai'an, Jun Huai'an will always be the one who shines brightest. They know everything about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and the business in the shopping mall is also well-organized. His mother relies heavily on him, and his father values ​​him.

This comparison made Jun Qian feel even more inferior.

 Five-star praise! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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