Chapter 117 Angry
"Don't play dumb, didn't you say that the wrench is in the room? Where is it? Take it out!" Su Xuanchen stared at her expressionlessly, with suspicion in his cold eyes.

Su Qing had a bitter face. Is she confessing?Or confess?

Forget it, let's continue to find a reason and redeem it later.

Just as Su Qing was about to speak, Su Xuanchen withdrew her hand and interrupted her coldly: "It's not in your hands at all."

Su Qing lowered her head in embarrassment, and immediately raised two fingers to promise: "I encountered some troubles in the past few days, so I left it with a friend. I promise I will go and get it back for you now."

Su Xuanchen gave her a sideways glance, walked to the window, and stood with his hands behind his back. Su Qing was slightly stunned by his tall and straight figure. Su Xuanchen really looks good in purple...

"If you really can't find it, then forget it." With thin lips parted slightly, Su Xuanchen looked into the distance with slightly melancholy eyes.

The white jade ring finger is a pair with the one on his left thumb. The master once said that it was the only thing his father left him, and he asked him to give the other one to his future wife in the future.

Although Su Qing took it secretly, but at least it was in the hands of his wife.

If you really can't find it, it may be God's will.

Su Qing walked up to Su Xuanchen and stretched out his hand, lightly poked his shoulder with pale fingers, blinked and asked, "Is the finger ring very important to you? Does it have any special meaning?"

Su Xuanchen retracted the thoughts in his eyes, avoided Su Qing's contact, and said, "No."

Su Qing was taken aback, and looked at his back as he walked towards the bed. Is it because she has too high an EQ?
Why did she feel that Su Xuanchen was angry?

"Your Highness, let's go out first. Our national teacher is tired and wants to rest for a while." Su Xuanchen lay on his side on the bed, leaving her with a back view full of imagination.

Su Qing was dumbfounded, and finally lowered her head resentfully, this time she did something wrong, she shouldn't have traded her fingers for food.

So, scratching the back of her head, Su Qing said, "Well...I'll have someone bring you medicine and meals later, and you can go back to sleep after eating and drinking."

After finishing speaking, Su Qing came out and kindly closed the door for him.

But after closing the door, Su Qing remembered, isn't this her room?Why is she coming out?Where does she sleep at night?

The corner of her mouth twitched, Su Qing touched the tip of her nose in embarrassment, and turned to leave.

She'd better look for the wrench first.

Food Street, Quanzhou Restaurant——

When Su Qing stood here again, it was already completely dark. This time, behind her were autumn water and winter snow.

This guy Qiushui insisted on following her out, saying he was worried about her safety, but for some reason, Dongxue also followed.

Su Qing cast a sidelong glance at Dong Xue: "Go, knock on the door."

At this point, all the restaurants are closed, so she can't knock on the door by herself?

Dongxue bent down and said respectfully: "Yes." Then he stepped up the steps neither humble nor overbearing.


Xiao Er, who was cleaning inside, frowned suspiciously, who is this?

But the knock on the door was too urgent, so she had no choice but to open the door impatiently: "Who is it?"

When meeting Dongxue's indifferent eyes, Xiao Er trembled unconsciously, and asked in a slow tone: "You... who are you? Our restaurant is closed. If you want to buy wine, come back tomorrow."

After speaking, Xiao Er turned around and wanted to close the door.

But no matter how hard she tried, the door couldn't be closed. Looking up in panic, a big hand pressed firmly on the door, making it impossible for her to move the door.

"Come out, my master has something to ask you!"

Hearing the icy cold voice, Xiao Er also knew that he might have offended someone unintentionally. Just as he was about to run away, he felt himself flying into the air. Before he could cry out in surprise, he knelt down on a pair of white boots in the next second. In front of the woman in the purple dress.

Dong Xue loosened her collar and stood behind Su Qing.

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(End of this chapter)

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