Chapter 120 Aunt Ma
Dong Xue has followed Su Xuanchen for so long, how could she not know what he meant.

But she was a proud and arrogant person, so Su Xuanchen exposed her filthy thoughts face to face, and it was inevitable that she would secretly hate Su Qing again.

She was the one who had been with Su Xuanchen day and night for so many years, so why did she casually destroy the happiness that should belong to her by relying on a word from the old master.

Seemingly unwilling, Dongxue raised her eyes to look at the person she dreamed of having, her eyes were slightly cold: "The master teaches his subordinates to be strict with himself and to behave in a responsible manner. May I ask, has Dongxue ever committed half-duty taboos in so many years?"

Perhaps the floor was a bit colder, and Dongxue's nose was slightly sour: "Master, why not tell Dongxue how to control yourself?"

Su Xuanchen's fingertips trembled slightly. How could he control himself?

After pondering for a long time, Su Xuanchen seemed tired: "You are no longer fit to stay by her side."

Dong Xue trembled all over, as if falling into a cellar of ice, she looked at Su Xuanchen in disbelief, her lips trembling: "I've been by your side for more than ten years, can't it compare to her short few months?"

Su Xuanchen looked at her with fixed eyebrows, his eyes were a little cold, and finally shook his head in disappointment.


With a wave of his palm, the purple sleeves drew a beautiful arc in the air, and the fierce cold wind came, and Dong Xue's body hit the cold floor hard in a straight line.

The door of the room was slammed shut, and Su Xuanchen's cold voice poured into her ears along the cold wind: "Nian you didn't make a big mistake, so pack your bags and go back to Wutong Mountain!"

Dongxue lowered her head, sat on the ground in a bleak state, her eyes were lifeless...


Su Qing looked at the woman who claimed to be Aunt Ma with a headache, resisted the urge to kick her away, and asked again patiently: "You just need to describe to me the long hair of the woman in black you mentioned. What do you understand?"

Aunt Ma gave a "puchi" smile, showing a mouthful of big yellow teeth, and said with wicked eyebrows, "I told you, it's neither ugly nor beautiful."

Su Qing: "..." What's the difference if you don't say anything?
Taking a deep breath, Su Qing parted the corners of her lips: "Are there any characteristics that are easy to remember?"

Ma Dashen tilted his head and thought for a while, and then he said: "The way she stepped out is very handsome, that young master flew out in an instant, and he looked like Lian Jiazi."

Veins popped up on Su Qing's forehead, her fingers creaked, and Xia He's forehead was covered with cold sweat. She was really afraid that Su Qing would get upset and break his neck.

"What else?" Holding back her anger, Su Qing asked through gritted teeth.

Aunt Ma saw that Su Qing's complexion was not good, so she didn't dare to put on a show, she thought carefully for a while, and said, "The figure is almost the same as yours!"

Then he looked Su Qing up and down, and said with a smile: "It's just that the two lumps in front are slightly bigger than yours..."


Su Qing slapped the table and got up, her face became even more ugly, she glanced at Xia He with a gloomy expression, and then left with a flick of her sleeves.

main house -

Su Qing walked back slowly, but happened to see Dong Xue's leaving back, Su Qing sighed twice: "Tsk tsk tsk, this walk is really lonely."

Immediately, shaking his head and pushing open the door, the man's unparalleled figure came into view again, even if he was sitting on a chair, it didn't affect his appearance in the slightest.Su Qing's eyes darkened, and she closed the door casually.

Only when she saw Su Xuanchen did she understand that "Yan Ruyu on Moshang is unparalleled in the world."

Where did this poem come from?

Su Xuanchen raised his eyes to look at the person who came, his brows and eyes frowned slightly: "Why did you come?"

Su Qing didn't answer, but walked straight towards him. Seeing her getting closer and closer, Su Xuanchen clasped her big palm unconsciously.

Su Qing glanced at Su Xuanchen, and took advantage of the situation to lie down. Su Xuanchen's eyes flashed, and he quickly moved away.

Su Qing chuckled, not caring about his dodge, and said, "Where is Xiao Chenchen going to drive his wife?"

 To compliment you guys, yesterday's vote was the highest I've had so far last month.awesome~
(End of this chapter)

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