The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 135 Find the Difference

Chapter 135 Find the Difference
Qiu Shui soon discovered that Feng Yu and the others had joined the battle, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he struck faster.

The men in black quickly lost ground.

"Withdraw!" The leading man in black gritted his teeth secretly and quickly disappeared into the forest.

Seeing that the situation had stabilized, Feng Yu grabbed Jun Qian's shoulders and jumped off from a high place.

"Sir, offended." Feng Yu quickly knelt down, bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

The body of the side gentleman is the body of a thousand pieces of gold, he is just a hidden guard and cannot be touched.

But apart from him, the rest of them are all women, so there is no way.

Why doesn't Junqian know this truth?

So he bent down himself, helped him up, and said with gentle eyes, "I haven't married His Highness yet, so don't call me a side lord"

Feng Yu bent down and said: "This is His Highness's order."

Jun Qian was dumbfounded, and finally could only nod his head.

"The carriage has been destroyed, please step up and get on the horse." Feng Yu took a horse by the hand and lowered his head.

Jun Qian raised his head and glanced at the mess all over the floor. There were many dead and wounded, and there were screams.

I can't help but feel a little sad, Sister Su, have you come here all these years?
After settled Junqian, Feng Yu walked towards Qiushui, the coldness in his eyes became more and more serious: "If you dare to lead someone on this road without checking the terrain, if the young master is half accidental, can you bear it?"

Qiu Shui knew he was careless, so he resisted the pain from his back, and said with trembling lips: "I will personally apologize to His Highness when I go to Qingzhou."

After saying this, Qiu Shui turned around and wanted to leave.

Feng Yu's eyes flickered, and he grabbed her wrist: "Now you are a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and you can't protect yourself. How can you protect the young master to go to Qingzhou?"

Qiu Shui's eyes sank, and he flung his wrist away abruptly, his eyes were cold, and his tone was serious: "I don't allow a man to intervene in my affairs."

Feng Yu frowned, originally he wanted to say, your back is injured, I can bandage it for you.You are injured and cannot protect the young master, so I will protect you.

But he didn't know why, when the words came to his lips, he turned into this appearance.

Later, when he turned to look at her again, Qiu Shui had already taken some medicine and got on the horse.

Everyone was ready to go in an instant.

"Keep going!" Following Qiu Shui's order, the large army began to move again.

Feng Yu and the others no longer hid in the dark, but followed Jun Qian to avoid any accidents.

Su Jing, East Palace, main hall——

Qi Yue was calmly looking at the two uninvited women in front of her, feeling very upset for a moment.

He couldn't count, this is the first time Su Qiao and Su Yu have come to find fault.

It's just that as the son of the imperial censor, they can't do anything to him for the time being.

However, today a difficult person came.

Grand Princess Su Wenfei.

"I don't know if the princes and daughters are here today, what is the important matter?" Qi Yue bent slightly, her handsome face was full of displeasure.

But these three women seemed to have not heard, and they talked on their own.

"Elder Sister, the East Palace is very well decorated, why don't we go and have a look?" Su Qiao gracefully picked up a cup of hot tea, took a sip, and said to Concubine Su Wen.

Concubine Su Wen smiled softly, and said: "Fifth Sister is not in the mansion, there may be something wrong."

"Elder Sister was joking, why do you need other people's permission to visit your own sister's mansion? We'll just go and have a look." Su Yu got up and made a gesture to go out.

Qi Yue's eyes suddenly sank, she dodged in an instant, and stopped in front of Su Yu in the next second: "The wife master is not here, Qi Yue may not be able to entertain you well, please come back first, the princesses."

Su Yu's complexion darkened in an instant, and he scolded coldly: "Presumptuous, a little side-lord is also trying to stop this princess?"

Qi Yue still stood quietly, with a sudden coldness all over her body, she looked at Su Yu neither humble nor overbearing, and said, "The third princess's words are wrong. No matter how low your status is, I can still be regarded as the half master of this East Palace. With the consent of the wife-owner, and without the consent of the Lord, I am afraid that I want to search the mansion privately..."

(End of this chapter)

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